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Online Behaviour Courses


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Has anyone done any? My son is looking to join the forces as a dog handler and would like to do a course beforehand to give him some insight. He's not got his licence yet so an online course will do for starters.

Any info would be greatly appreciated

Thanks :thumbsup:

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  • 2 weeks later...

for what he wants there isnt much availibul but

if he is still at school he might still be able to do work exp with the MWD program or police dog section he can do it thought the school gidance pragram or ring and talk to the departments himself

other wise he could speack to some of the local security companys that do K9 patrols and ask if he cold attend training sessions with there trainers

be in mind though with security K9s you have you good companys and you bad

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It's fine to have experience prior to selection, I know of someone employed as a K9 handler at the moment who did the NDTF course and then worked as a trainer at a club for awhile before they got in :rofl:

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