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Degenerative Myelopathy (autoimmune Disease)


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Has anyone had any experience with this Degenerative condition (which occurs predominantly in larger breeds particularly shepherds). I am most interested in any treatment approaches. I would be very grateful for any info

Jessie's (now at the "Bridge") best mate Holly, the Boxer had DM. I found a few websites for her owner and added them to Jessie's Favourite Dog Links Just scroll down the page until you come to Degenerative Myelopathy. Hope there's some info there that helps :hitself:

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thanks bully.

Our 10 yr old female shepherd has just been "diagnosed" in all probability of having this condition. I think she has had it for about 6 months. We first noticed she seemed to be favouring her left side slightly about 6 months ago and we thought she must have done herself some sought of injury. So off to the vet we took a wait and see approach. In April of this year we did some x-rays which showed she had arthritis in her spine and lower back and we put it down to the pain from this. We started her on some anti-inflammatory tablets. I could see no real change so we took her off these and booked in for some accupuncture treatments for her arthritis. This did not really help and we were reccommended to go to a neurologist which we did. It is possible that her paralysis is being caused by a bulging disc and we have started her on a course of steroids for two weeks. The neurologist said that she would expect to see some improvement after this time if it was this.

At least she does not appear to be in any pain, it is just so sad to watch your dog deteriorate before your eyes with seemingly not much you can do about. Which is why I am determined to do everything I can to at least make her comfortable and have some quality of life. At this stage she is still able to walk (albeit a bit wobbly sometimes but most of the time she is ok). I know it is important for dogs with this condition to keep moving and she does want to walk and swim which is the good news.

Once again thank you for the link.

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