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Dry Cough After C5 Vacc


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Our 15 wko pup had a nasal spray for kennel cough on Saturday. Today he is making a few little grunt/coughy types noises.

He is perfectly happy etc just a bit 'snorty'.

Does he get a little dose of kennel cough in the nasal spray (similar to some other vaccs which include a small dose of the strain)

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yes, that's generally what a vacc is - an introduction of the virus to the immune system so that the body knows how to recognise the virus and fight it off quickly should it present again. It is not uncommon for dogs that are given the intranasal spray to show symptoms of kennel cough - this is the negative side to the positives of it. It shouldn't last too long, but if the coughing becomes distressing for yourself or the dog then give the vet a ring, they may be able to prescribe some cough mixture to alleviate the symptoms :laugh:

hope this helps :laugh:

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yes, that's generally what a vacc is - an introduction of the virus to the immune system so that the body knows how to recognise the virus and fight it off quickly should it present again. It is not uncommon for dogs that are given the intranasal spray to show symptoms of kennel cough - this is the negative side to the positives of it. It shouldn't last too long, but if the coughing becomes distressing for yourself or the dog then give the vet a ring, they may be able to prescribe some cough mixture to alleviate the symptoms :laugh:

hope this helps :laugh:

Thank you - I might give the vet a quick call but I figure this is what it is

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I had a whole litter of pups come down with serious KC after being given the nasal vaccination. The subsequent litter of pups also got it. When I asked about this on DOL, others reported similar experiences. When I tried to report the problem to the vet or drug company, no one was interested.

They may say it's not common. . . but they don't try hard to find out.

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sandgrubber, we are just back from the vet. Our boy has a weepy eye (just one) which is apparently conjunctivitis and hopefully unlreated to the other stuff (as it's only one eye).

My vet told me that the c5 is actually NOT a dose of the virus - I think he said it's not an attenuated vaccine ?? (It was a scientific word and I knew what he meant but I can't remember it). He also said in any case, the reaction would kick in almost immediately, yet my boy only started this kind of throat wheezing sound yesterday, three days after the vacc.

Did yours go away or did you get antibiotics ?

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My Lab puppy was given the kennel cough spray vaccine at the vet on sat evening. Last night I awoke at 1am to hear her coughing really bad, almost sounded like she was choking, or trying to cough up something and she did throw up a little bit of white phlegm like stuff

I was wondering if the vaccine can cause a case of kennel cough?

I wrote that on the forum after Scout had hers. The sound of her coughing was horrible :laugh:

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sandgrubber, we are just back from the vet. Our boy has a weepy eye (just one) which is apparently conjunctivitis and hopefully unlreated to the other stuff (as it's only one eye).

My vet told me that the c5 is actually NOT a dose of the virus - I think he said it's not an attenuated vaccine ?? (It was a scientific word and I knew what he meant but I can't remember it). He also said in any case, the reaction would kick in almost immediately, yet my boy only started this kind of throat wheezing sound yesterday, three days after the vacc.

Did yours go away or did you get antibiotics ?

Several forms of vaccine get called C5. I am not an expert on the differences between them. But my vet said, yes, it was possible that the vaccine she used caused the disease.

Antibiotics are ineffective for KC itself, but may help with bacterial infections that often accompany bad KC. Unfortunately the antibiotic of choice cannot be used on young pups because it harm the development of enamel in the adult teeth (my vet says). I probably ended out using broad spectrum puppy ok antibiotics on some of the pups . . . can't remember exactly, it was some years back. Mostly, the care regime involved trying to keep the poor little guys comfortable and allowing them to heal.

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I had a whole litter of pups come down with serious KC after being given the nasal vaccination. The subsequent litter of pups also got it. When I asked about this on DOL, others reported similar experiences. When I tried to report the problem to the vet or drug company, no one was interested.

They may say it's not common. . . but they don't try hard to find out.

I had the same problem with that big litter i had,got the SAR boy done,he was coughing that night.All the 10 week old pups caught it (due to go the following week-had to keep them for another month +).1 developed secondary pnuemonia even on antibiotics,the bill was enormous as they were all on antibiotics and mucolytics/cough medicine.Vets said must have been an unrelated "respiratory" virus !!!!

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