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Still Shedding Heaps After Visit To Groomer :(


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Get yourself a cheap rubber mitt from the junk shop. You can use it on the dog - they rather enjoy it :) and they are also great for getting the hair out of carpet. If you give her a good go over with it everyday that should cut down a bit on the hair all over the house.

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I have a Cavalier with a very heavy coat. She went to the groomers the other day( and she looked beautiful when I picked her up) and she said she'd used a Furminator but not much fur had come out.

A couple of days laetr I used a Mars Coat King and got out 1/2 a shopping bag full of fur and there is still more to come :eat:

:eat: Oops! :)

To the OP, bad choice of dog to get if you wanted low shedding. Cav's are notorious for it.

As a groomer, I know I can spend ages on a dog and when the client comes and they pat the dog even more hair comes off. My brother has a Border which they get groomed elsewhere every fortnight and the hair that comes off him is astounding.

Edited by Clyde
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Where are you located? Maybe a DOLer groomer could have a look at her and make some suggestions?

Also, has she been checked by a vet if this is an unusual amount of hair for her? She could be loosing hair because of a health reason.

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I have a Cavalier with a very heavy coat. She went to the groomers the other day( and she looked beautiful when I picked her up) and she said she'd used a Furminator but not much fur had come out.

A couple of days laetr I used a Mars Coat King and got out 1/2 a shopping bag full of fur and there is still more to come :rofl:

:eek: Oops! ;)

To the OP, bad choice of dog to get if you wanted low shedding. Cav's are notorious for it.

As a groomer, I know I can spend ages on a dog and when the client comes and they pat the dog even more hair comes off. My brother has a Border which they get groomed elsewhere every fortnight and the hair that comes off him is astounding.

No problem, Clyde :rofl: You know she's always going to be like that! I'd tried the Furminator at home and didn't have any luck with it.

:) Everyone says she looks younger since you trimmed her ears :)

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:) *phew* about the ears. I wrote on her card the other day DO NOT TOUCH EARS lol.

FWIW I dont use Coat King as I don't like the way it cuts the coat. A month later I can feel spiky regrowth so I stopped using it.

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Thanks everyone, I don't think she has a double coat as she has quite a thin coat. It looks nothing like the coat of a Pom or Maltese and not as thick as a Cav. Another peril of owning a cross breed I guess. Trust me I have learnt my lesson on that!

I will try warm soap free baths with a good blowdry and brush after and see how we go. I dont think it will hurt if we don't use soap too often and she loves a good blowdry.

I do expect her to shed hair but I just didn't expect the magnitude she loses and I forgot the pitfalls of owning a white animal lol.

I am still hopeful it is worse this year because of her age (8 months) and the two operations she has had in the last few months.

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