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Hi guys,

Next Wednesday I'll be starting tracking classes with my Beagle and Cocker Spaniel. :(

What can I do to give them a head start? I've never done this before and neither have my dogs. I assume that they should be alright at it as they are both nose to the ground kind of dogs but I'd like to get some practice in before we start classes.

What can I do at home or the park to start us going?

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You could do whats called scent pad, but I think this will be what you will get explained at your first session.

If they are teaching the dog to track using food make sure your dog is hungry when you go for your session.

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You need to find something that is Oh so good for the dog. Not just dry food or the normal extra treat you give them but something the dogs would go nuts over. That item will be what the dog tracks for. I sure wouldn't walk miles just to be rewarded with a crappy snack, get the idea.

Also have some articles like old work socks, leather wallet, old sunglasses with the lens taken out, old mobile phone, lots of yummy treats cut into small bits, a harness if you have one and a lead that is about 5 metres long.

A note book, pencils and an eraser It is wonderful reading what your dogs have achieved since they started tracking.

Enjoy your tracking lessons, have fun and Trust Your Dog.

Your Cocker Spaniel should take to tracking naturally. I suppose your Beagle will too but I just know how well a cocker can track owning a cs cross who is a TCH.


Hi guys,

Next Wednesday I'll be starting tracking classes with my Beagle and Cocker Spaniel. :laugh:

What can I do to give them a head start? I've never done this before and neither have my dogs. I assume that they should be alright at it as they are both nose to the ground kind of dogs but I'd like to get some practice in before we start classes.

What can I do at home or the park to start us going?

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While on the subject of tracking . . .

I haven't been doing much with Diesel, but thinking maybe I could teach article indications. I want to teach drop on the article, and am wondering if I can shape it (because doing lots of shaping lately, and, well, why not :laugh: ). I can shape nose touch or paw touch, picking up and pawing, but not really sure how to best shape dropping with article between paws. Any ideas?

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