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Behavioural Problem I'm Stuck With...


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Hugo is a wonderful dog. Very calm, relaxed, a little attached at the hip (er, heel?) but generally a very well behaved dog. Loves obedience training and is really getting good - sometimes a little stubbon with dropping in the wet grass, have only been able to over come this with bait. We used to have a bit of a separation problem - ie, hated being on the other side of a door/cage if he could see me on the other side. Seems to be much better with that lately, last few times i've had him down in the cages at work he's been fine, sleeping, no whinging. He's fine with us leaving him at home, in fact he gets into his sleeping posie on the couch before we've even shut the door. Ask neighbours all the time for updates on if they can hear barking etc. They never here anything.

The only thing i really want to change that i cannot get on top of is his *screaming* as we arrive at our destination in the car.

The boys love the car, and run to it when we go out the front- they know it means they're going somewhere fun! We got to a big off lead park a few times a week, and visit my parents/friends a lot too. The car trip itself is fine - always in the back seat, sleeping, sitting, look out the window a bit, normal happy dog stuff. But when the car slows down, Hugo realises we are reaching our destination... he stands at the side, looks out and *screams* and scratches as though he's trying to get out.

I don't know whether it's excitement because he knows we've arrived, or whether it's stress that i'm going to leave him in there (the only time i leave them in the car is at the petrol station, and even then, once i'm out of the car he just watches me, no crying or anything)

I have tried waiting up to ten minutes but it just makes it worse, he starts salivating and gets even more distressed. I've tried the cesar style "shh", pulling on the lead when he makes the noise, and even poking his neck when he makes the noise to 'snap' him back. It hasn't worked. Admittedly, i have done this myself from the front seat, it probably would be better if i go with my partner and sit in the back etc.. but that might not help because i'm there with him. i've tried letting him jump forward and sit on my lap before getting out - which confuses him more, first he tried to get out, then he realised i wasn't moving so then he went between just making noises and scratching at the door.

Of course then it always ends that we get out of the car and have a great time, return home and then at arriving home the same screaming happens until i open the door.

Just after any ideas or advice! I love cesar and watching how he fixes naughty dogs problems, i also love it because it just seems so obvious! I think i've done a really good job with Hugo, and have learnt a lot and have done a much better job with Fletcher - mainly just by adding a crate so he is perfectly fine being seperated from me. But this thing with Hugo i just don't know what to do with... Also because i don't want Fletcher starting, and because the screaming is really embarrasing and really bad when arriving home late!!

Edited by Bindii
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i am not a behaviourist but i do watch cesar. it seems that Hugo is in control (or thinks he is in control) of the start/end of the drive and the beginning of the exciting part of the trip.

maybe outside of the car you need to teach him to wait calmly for something exciting so he can practise calm submissive behaviour. maybe have a word for it when he manages to do this and reward him.

then maybe when you are in the car and then use the word he might understand what you want.

i use the word "wait!" and jaxx stops immediately what she is doing and goes into a calm submissive state. she doesn't move so i can go up to her and she will stay.

this has saved her as once i was walking her on a retractable leash (never again!!) and she got spooked and ran around a pole and that pulled the leash from my hand and she was running in the middle of the road away from me.

i yelled "wait!" and she stopped. i was so happy.

i also use "wait!" when she is getting too excited and she behaves in exactly the same way.

sorry for the long post.

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Hmm good point. It is like he is in control because he whinges and then i let him out.

We practice calm submissive at dinner time, i place his food down and he must sit and wait, at first he stares at the food anxiously, and i dont say "eat up" until he is relaxed and looks away from the food. So perhaps i need some word that 'puts' him into this state of calm submission or that helps him recognise it....

Edited by Bindii
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Hmm good point. It is like he is in control because he whinges and then i let him out.

We practice calm submissive at dinner time, i place his food down and he must sit and wait, at first he stares at the food anxiously, and i dont say "eat up" until he is relaxed and looks away from the food. So perhaps i need some word that 'puts' him into this state of calm submission or that helps him recognise it....

yes what he thinks is if i whinge the car door gets opened. its just like training them to stay on a crate without whinging. you never open the door until they are quiet.

i would wait until you see him relax and use a word to mark the behaviour. do this a few times then test him in anywhere but the car and keep practising until he can calm down outside the car.

when he can put him into the car and use the word and he should be good.

hope this makes sense

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