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Gamby Did It, He Is Now Poruse Diamond Dealer Cd Td


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I'm still floating after Saturday's AM Obed Trial at the Geelong Obedience Dog Club. Mr Gambit, worked so well, I can't remember what happened during the exercises only that he was always there beside me when he had to sit.

I moved to Ballarat on 22 June so I didn't really want to go to the trial. I wanted to stay home and complete my arranging. I had promised that I'd steward in the PM trial so the dogs, cat and I got up early in the morning and travelled down to Geelong.

During the sits and downs I was reminding myself all the time to Breathe. He stayed where he was supposed to stay and when the SA judge said "Exercise Finished" I couldn't keep from smiling.

Then Gambit was awarded 1st place, Highest Geelong ODC member, his signed Pass Card and his CD Title. What more could I have asked for.

The worse part is that I have no idea where his other two pass cards are making it impossible for me to enter him in Open until I have at least sent in the cards. Can't even remember the places where he got his passes or the dates.

Oh well, I will eventually find them, in the meantime we can have fun practicing the Open Exercises.

Way to go my Big beautiful Baby Aussie

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Here is one pass:

Quote: Hey Gambit gave me a great Easter Present by gaining a pass in his 1st ever Novice Trial at KCC Park on Easter Saturday with a score of 182 and 3rd place. That was posted on the 24th of March 2008.


LOL just did a search on your previous posts :laugh: .Will have a look and see if you mentioned the second pass.

Thank goodness for DOL.

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And here was your second pass 27th July 2008 at the Geelong Obedience Dog Club Trial:

"Gamby did really well on Saturday morning. He got it together and got 28 for heel work. :laugh: Wow what a bonus and got his 2nd pass in Novice :( as well as being the Geelong Obedience Dog Club's Highest Scoring Dog."

Sorry link to post


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Congratualtions Gamby. :) You must be so thrilled. :thumbsup:

Great detective work Ness. That will save Gamby from having to search through all the things she has packed away when moving. Moving can be so stressful.

I hope you're enjoying your new home Gamby and have lots of warm clothes. Does this mean you'll be changing clubs?

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I was just grateful for the fact I only had to search through 5 pages of Gamby's posts. I would hate to try and find a brag I might have posted or some of the other chatterbox's on here :thumbsup: . Take warning LP I am never going to offer to find a post you have written LOL.

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Hey Gamby - congratulations! And what a way to finish his CD - way to go Gamby man :thumbsup: . (I had the pleasure of meeting Gamby at Geelong's agility trial that I did on the way to Adelaide for agility nats - gosh, nearly 2 years ago. So now I follow Gamby's progress with even more interest. :hitself:

And great detective work from ness :) .

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Does this mean you'll be changing clubs?

I'm still a member of Geelong and Bellarine and now a member of Ballaarat.

I'm taking it easy for a while. No lessons to prepare. All I need to worry about is getting to Ballaarat on time to do Obedience and Agility training with Gambit.

Rang VCA today and I can't apply for the Title until they have the original pedigree. I Know it is in a box in hubby's garage but which box???? Can't find the book I wrote the box numbers in with the contents.

Oh well, I'll keep searching, I'll never knwo what I'll find.

Thanks you all for the messages of Congratulations. The dates and clubs were at KCC Park Easter 2008 and Geelong Obed Dog Club in Sept 2008.


Mr Gambit CD

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