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Luring The Kick Back Stand


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Don't worry PAX there is no great rush. My baby finally has a reasonable training appetite and she is now 15 months. The gurus have said not to stress and it will happen when it happens :happydance2: .

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Hey Star,

I would also recommend teaching the dog to back up. Plenty of instructions out there if you haven't already. I think I tried a kick back stand earlier when my pup was tiny and ended up leaving it, went away and taught her to back up as it helps teach the dog where there rear legs are.

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Thanks guys.

No PAX, she's pretty fussy with food actually, plus has a much shorter attention span than I'm used to! I get no more than 1 or 2 minutes of training in at the moment if I use gourmet treats (tiny bits of warmed sausage), then she's off to find something to bite. We'll train in drive eventually, of course, just trying to get her understanding the concepts with food first. :thumbsup:

Will definitely teach walk backwards, Ness, that was a great exercise for my last boy's hind end awareness. Perhaps I should teach that first? I just wanted to do stand as something else to alternate with down and sit - she's getting pretty good at guessing what comes next when we do position changes, lol!

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I would definitely do walk backwards before attempting a kick back stand. Makes life a bit easier if they know where there rear legs are.

I never realized puppys could be fussy about food until I got my now 15 month old. She has only recently developed an appetite for food when training but still much prefers toys.

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I just lure it but make sure that I don't bring my hand too far forwards. I don't mind a bit of front feet movement when they are first learning. The walking stand mainly seems to occur when the handler moves their hand too much in the luring stage.

Cute pup!

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Has anyone got any links to videos, or perhaps can just explain, about how to lure a kick back type stand? I know how to lure a walk-forward type stand, but want to teach a kick back type stand in case we decide to compete in obedience later on.

Puppy is only 11 weeks old and is doing really well with luring/marking, so that's the method I'd prefer to stick with rather than lifting her hind quarters up or just waiting around to capture it.

I trained it same as Ptolomy.

My boy anticipates my hand about to touch his toes but you get the idea.

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Has anyone got any links to videos, or perhaps can just explain, about how to lure a kick back type stand? I know how to lure a walk-forward type stand, but want to teach a kick back type stand in case we decide to compete in obedience later on.

Puppy is only 11 weeks old and is doing really well with luring/marking, so that's the method I'd prefer to stick with rather than lifting her hind quarters up or just waiting around to capture it.

I trained it same as Ptolomy.

My boy anticipates my hand about to touch his toes but you get the idea.

Thanks Caffy! Did you stick that video up just now for me? I appreciate it! :(

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I have a new puppy as well

What kind of puppy? :)

Sorry to go OT. A BC puppy, she has some photos that Ruthless took posted in the photo section, her name is Rhythm. :(

Sorry as well for going OT but you need to post some piccies in the bc thread! She is sooo adorable!!!

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Has anyone got any links to videos, or perhaps can just explain, about how to lure a kick back type stand? I know how to lure a walk-forward type stand, but want to teach a kick back type stand in case we decide to compete in obedience later on.

Puppy is only 11 weeks old and is doing really well with luring/marking, so that's the method I'd prefer to stick with rather than lifting her hind quarters up or just waiting around to capture it.

i found it easier once you have taught youre dog rear leg awareness.Dogs generally dont move there rear naturally,it needs to be taught,they move there font first and the rear follows.Teaching a dog to walk backwards is one way to teach them rear end awareness.

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And... we have a kick back stand! Thanks everyone, the tickle the toes (and gently lift the belly) method was the winner for us, she's really starting to get the hang of what I'm after and is getting it right 80% of the time.

Now I just need to wean her off hand signals and onto verbal cues. I'm sure she just thinks I'm barking at her when I talk! :laugh:

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