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Luring The Kick Back Stand


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Has anyone got any links to videos, or perhaps can just explain, about how to lure a kick back type stand? I know how to lure a walk-forward type stand, but want to teach a kick back type stand in case we decide to compete in obedience later on.

Puppy is only 11 weeks old and is doing really well with luring/marking, so that's the method I'd prefer to stick with rather than lifting her hind quarters up or just waiting around to capture it.

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Hmm.. interesting- i might do some experimenting with my guys to see if i can work it out as i have never lured it before. My temptation would be to guide it the first few times.. or to shape it. Has the pup done any shaping?

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  Cosmolo said:
Hmm.. interesting- i might do some experimenting with my guys to see if i can work it out as i have never lured it before. My temptation would be to guide it the first few times.. or to shape it. Has the pup done any shaping?

Thanks Cosmolo, be interested to see what you come up with!

Nope, she hasn't done any shaping. I'll go there if I have to, but the lightbulb has just come on in the past day or so with luring/targeting and marking, so I want to stick with that for now if I can. Seems like it "should" be an easy thing to lure, and easy to fade the lure from, just can't work out how to do it (and no success on Youtube so far either).

Plus I hate shaping. :laugh:

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Standing or sitting directly in front of the pup blocking forward motion but still using a lure has worked for me. Although I do think it takes a while for the dog to realise exactly what you're after and if you're standing in front of the dog it makes it difficult if you want to guide the dog into position. Sometimes it takes a while for backend awareness to kick in for some dogs too.

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You can have the dog in a sit next to you and tickle the dogs back foot with either your foot or a pole/stick and you will find that they jump up into a kick back stand. Its best done next to a cupboard to keep them straight. :o

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  shoemonster said:
Puppy????? More details on that part please! Which breed?

Sorry, not a stafford baby this time, Shoemonster! A little malinois girl. :laugh:

Thanks very much everyone else for your suggestions. We will experiment and see how we do.

Edited by Staranais
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  ness said:
If you want a video I can probably video one and upload it.

Yes please Ness & PAX, a video would be great!

Taking photos of wee Fledge can be difficult, she simply doesn't sit still long enough, most of our recent photo attempts are just an unidentifiable yellow blur... but here are some from a week and a half ago. She's gotten rather larger since then!



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Ahh I need to teach this too!!! I started asking for a stand from a sit or a drop for fun and in case I ever felt like doing UDX but Ella moves foward a fair bit... this looks much much better!

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Hmm can I have a brag - I was doing some COP with Kenzie and Ness tonight. Well Kenzie mainly, Ness was on the bed doing it as well so I would occasionally pay her. Any way Kenzie was doing a nice solid kickback stand from a sit with no forward movement. Pretty chuffed. Ness always comes forward :happydance2: .

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OMG she is sooo cute. We need more photos.

My dog Chill has the best kick back stands even if it's me that says so. :cheer: Lots of other people say so too.

I have a new puppy as well, and I cannot lure the KB stand yet, although she is only 14 weeks and not 9 months as Chill was when she was taught the KB stand, so I'm trying not to worry.

I am mainly concentrating on free shaping with the new puppy, she is not so great on food yet so we are just playing and trying to teach what we can on toys. I guess a Mal puppy would have the appetite of a horse.......lucky you. :happydance2:

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