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Hitting The Ring For The First Time


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Well guys, we slipped off the first page of the "Show Ring" topic list again - no posts for 4 days!!!

Sammy - how's the new puggy??? How was Armidale? Have you got your National Dog Annual yet? I found the lovely Kite in there!! :D

I have entered Chester & Dragon for Medowie, Chester for Maitland before that - all three of them (Chester, Dragon & Aurea) are entered for the March Hillsborough shows so I am going to be FLAT OUT!! :laugh: Aurea goes up into Minors for that - she is getting huge!

Chester Bear, all 2.8kg of him, killed one of my full-grown pekin roosters yesterday - all by himself, as he was the only dog out in the front yard. :mad I am sick of digging holes to bury things here!!! It's like the poultry House of Horrors lately! He's had his retained canines out too (obviously doesn't need them to bring down a chicken) and his damned ears have gone all soft again - I'm hoping it is just temporary, as they were standing fully up before. I am wondering whether it is something to do with the anaesthetic from the dental op???

Dragon has been practising on lead and is going really well. He gets a bit stubborn at boundaries (ie. change from tiles to carpet, through doorways, over cracks in the concrete etc) but he is food-motivated and moving along nicely. I think he'll be good in a couple of weeks. He had his 2nd vaccination today so he's just about ready to get out and meet the world.

Any news anyone??

Deb :)

Kite picked up a few points...was a FANTASTIC weekend away, you guys all need to come camping at a show one day with us, we had a ball and so did the dogs!

Picked up the little pug today and he is crazy but very nice fingers crossed he turns out as we are hoping! You will get to see him at maitland or medowie will depend on needles ect!

His first show will be hillsbro in march

Edited by sammy_ballerina
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So when we go head to head for baby of breed at Medowie The Ark, which one of us is going to win!? hehe!

Cant wait to meet the little pug man Sammy, I get to meet him tomorrow! so :laugh: to everyone else!

Our next show is Medowie, but we are only doing the Sunday.

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Ello everyone :mad I've been a bit slack.. and I haven't really read through to catch up properly, will do that shortly.

Lola and I had our second show on Sunday, we got Jnr in breed but lost Bitch Challenge (???) to her litter sister who is in full coat :D

Another one on Saturday 20th... and hopefully by then I'll have a decent shelter because the one I got to do me 'for now' fell apart the first time I tried to put it up :laugh:

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Ello everyone :mad I've been a bit slack.. and I haven't really read through to catch up properly, will do that shortly.

Lola and I had our second show on Sunday, we got Jnr in breed but lost Bitch Challenge (???) to her litter sister who is in full coat :D

Another one on Saturday 20th... and hopefully by then I'll have a decent shelter because the one I got to do me 'for now' fell apart the first time I tried to put it up :laugh:


Well done with Junior in Breed! Good luck with the shelter. What sort are you going to get now?

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Well done with Junior in Breed! Good luck with the shelter. What sort are you going to get now?

Hopefully an Oztrail compact.. just gotta find where the $$ is coming from.

Go the standard if money is tight. It is a little dearer than the compact but bigger and stronger. Still small enough to fit in the boot of a small car, mine fits in my Nissan Pintara and you can still put it up on your own :D

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Hello to all.

I'm a newbie in the Dog show scene (come from a horse background - Dressage). I have had bloodhounds for a number of years now & have mainly concentrated on mantrailing - which I must add is an absolute blast for both handler & hound.

I have recently imported a BH bitch from Sweden & hopefully will be showing her soon. She was just released from quarantine on Sunday & is a bit of a wild child due to the lack of handling whilst in 'jail'. I will give her a little bit of time to be a puppy again & then start taking her out, once I have done a bit of handling. I am thinking about Hillsborough in March, although I may just go & take her for a look at Maitland and Medowie.

I'm not even sure how to fill in the entries for a 5 month (at the end of March) pup. What classes is she eligible to be entered in...just the 3 - 6 mth sweeps?

Any assistance would be welcomed.


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Hi Hunterhound

She should be eligable for class 1A Baby Puppy Class where dogs 3-6 months compete for 'Baby of Breed' then 'Baby of Group' (if they get Baby of Breed).

Hello to all.

I'm a newbie in the Dog show scene (come from a horse background - Dressage). I have had bloodhounds for a number of years now & have mainly concentrated on mantrailing - which I must add is an absolute blast for both handler & hound.

I have recently imported a BH bitch from Sweden & hopefully will be showing her soon. She was just released from quarantine on Sunday & is a bit of a wild child due to the lack of handling whilst in 'jail'. I will give her a little bit of time to be a puppy again & then start taking her out, once I have done a bit of handling. I am thinking about Hillsborough in March, although I may just go & take her for a look at Maitland and Medowie.

I'm not even sure how to fill in the entries for a 5 month (at the end of March) pup. What classes is she eligible to be entered in...just the 3 - 6 mth sweeps?

Any assistance would be welcomed.


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Hello to all.

I'm a newbie in the Dog show scene (come from a horse background - Dressage). I have had bloodhounds for a number of years now & have mainly concentrated on mantrailing - which I must add is an absolute blast for both handler & hound.

I have recently imported a BH bitch from Sweden & hopefully will be showing her soon. She was just released from quarantine on Sunday & is a bit of a wild child due to the lack of handling whilst in 'jail'. I will give her a little bit of time to be a puppy again & then start taking her out, once I have done a bit of handling. I am thinking about Hillsborough in March, although I may just go & take her for a look at Maitland and Medowie.

I'm not even sure how to fill in the entries for a 5 month (at the end of March) pup. What classes is she eligible to be entered in...just the 3 - 6 mth sweeps?

Any assistance would be welcomed.


She can do Sweeps and Baby Puppy. The classes for each age are listed on the back of the entry forms.

It would be great to see more Bloodhounds at shows. I rarely see any around here. :laugh:

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PF I keep trying to tell Gail to bring magic up this way - maybe you can convince her to do a show at hillsborough to see the bloodhound, I can play with magic............... and of course feel and touch howies fab headfall too :)

heya hunterhound - you'll find a few of us newbies in this thread are either local to newcastle or show regularly this way :birthday:

There are 2 show training options too if youre interested. Some of us go to hillsbrough grounds every second tuesday and there is one sammy_ballerina and kristy go to cessnock way. Good socialisation and ring training as well as an opportunity to ask other show realted questions. Hillsborough one is only $2 a session.


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OK, so I am looking into entering Willow into her first show.... I don't want to go overboard, but I do want to make the most out of baby puppy where it doesn't really matter how much I stuff up :)

These are the shows I am looking at:

Bathurst Royal on 6th/7th

Castle Hill Ag show on the 13th March

Liverpool and District on 21st March

Yass Show 27th March

Wei Club on 2nd April

Sydney Royal Sweepstakes 10th April

So I don't think I will be entering all of these, I would like to do Bathurst because I grew up there, but she will only JUST be 3 months (3 months on the 3rd), so am leaning towards giving it a miss this year (not sure if entries have closed now anyway)

The last 3, Yass, Wei club and Sydney Royal are definates, I'm taking her to Yass as my parents live close to there and I'd have free accommodation as well as they get to meet her (and help me) :birthday:

So, I guess my question really is, should her first show be an Ag show like Castle Hill or the Liverpool one. I am leaning towards Castle Hill as there is more shade, and it's where I used to take my boys to obedience. Liverpool does have cash prizes though.... but I'm sure I wouldn't win anyway.


Oh, and if you enter online, on oz entries, if it's the first time you do it, do you need to put all the info in such as name, sire dam etc etc, when I entered Sydney Royal, all the info was there, but I tried the OZ entries and it didn't find the rego number or something???

Edited by GoldieGirl
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PF I keep trying to tell Gail to bring magic up this way - maybe you can convince her to do a show at hillsborough to see the bloodhound, I can play with magic............... and of course feel and touch howies fab headfall too :)

I'll see what I can do. Hillsborough has some good show series and my good friend JAG shows there too. :confused:

You won't be able to touch Howie's headfall until after judging though! :birthday:

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You have to fill in the ozentries thing for the first time then it saves it. Syd Royal had the info as it's hooked up to the database.

Bathurst closes on the 12th so still time.

No difference between doing Ag shows and regular shows as the run the same. I am doing both of those :)

Will you be at training tonight?

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You have to fill in the ozentries thing for the first time then it saves it. Syd Royal had the info as it's hooked up to the database.

Bathurst closes on the 12th so still time.

No difference between doing Ag shows and regular shows as the run the same. I am doing both of those :)

Will you be at training tonight?

Ok, cool thanks for that, wasn't sure if I was stuffing it up or something.

Won't be at training tonight, I enjoyed it last week, and Phoenix was very well behaved, but thought while I am waiting for Willow to be old enough I'd only take him every 2nd week... so will take Phoenix next week, and then bring Willow the first week of March, will come regularly from then.

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PF I keep trying to tell Gail to bring magic up this way - maybe you can convince her to do a show at hillsborough to see the bloodhound, I can play with magic............... and of course feel and touch howies fab headfall too :driving:

heya hunterhound - you'll find a few of us newbies in this thread are either local to newcastle or show regularly this way :provoke:

There are 2 show training options too if youre interested. Some of us go to hillsbrough grounds every second tuesday and there is one sammy_ballerina and kristy go to cessnock way. Good socialisation and ring training as well as an opportunity to ask other show realted questions. Hillsborough one is only $2 a session.


Hi Bec

Thanks for the info re Hillsborough. Is it an evening thing or during the day?...unfortunately I have to work Tuesdays, although if it were an evening thing I may be able to make it. Any more info regarding Cessnock..as that is possibly closer to me anyway?

Thanks for your help!!

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PF I keep trying to tell Gail to bring magic up this way - maybe you can convince her to do a show at hillsborough to see the bloodhound, I can play with magic............... and of course feel and touch howies fab headfall too :driving:

heya hunterhound - you'll find a few of us newbies in this thread are either local to newcastle or show regularly this way :mad

There are 2 show training options too if youre interested. Some of us go to hillsbrough grounds every second tuesday and there is one sammy_ballerina and kristy go to cessnock way. Good socialisation and ring training as well as an opportunity to ask other show realted questions. Hillsborough one is only $2 a session.


Hi Bec

Thanks for the info re Hillsborough. Is it an evening thing or during the day?...unfortunately I have to work Tuesdays, although if it were an evening thing I may be able to make it. Any more info regarding Cessnock..as that is possibly closer to me anyway?

Thanks for your help!!

I'm not Bec but my understanding is that Hillsborough is Tuesday evenings on a fortnightly basis and is on next Tuesday from memory - 6.30pm isn't it Bec? .... we will be there for the first time next week - when i say "we" it will be my the 12 week old pup's first outing and show training so it should be interesting .... hmmmm yes interesting is the word we will go with so far :provoke:

We will be at Maitland next weekend for some environmental training and possibly Medowie as well for a visit (I missed the cut off date to enter that show) ... looks like first show will be Hillsborough 13/14 March.....

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Hello to all.

I'm a newbie in the Dog show scene (come from a horse background - Dressage). I have had bloodhounds for a number of years now & have mainly concentrated on mantrailing - which I must add is an absolute blast for both handler & hound.

I have recently imported a BH bitch from Sweden & hopefully will be showing her soon. She was just released from quarantine on Sunday & is a bit of a wild child due to the lack of handling whilst in 'jail'. I will give her a little bit of time to be a puppy again & then start taking her out, once I have done a bit of handling. I am thinking about Hillsborough in March, although I may just go & take her for a look at Maitland and Medowie.

I'm not even sure how to fill in the entries for a 5 month (at the end of March) pup. What classes is she eligible to be entered in...just the 3 - 6 mth sweeps?

Any assistance would be welcomed.


She can do Sweeps and Baby Puppy. The classes for each age are listed on the back of the entry forms.

It would be great to see more Bloodhounds at shows. I rarely see any around here. :provoke:

OK...now this is a really dumb question but as I haven't even seen an entry form, I need to ask this :driving: - are the entry forms generic & obtained from Dogs NSW? If this is the case then classes etc. will be noted on the back of these forms?

Thanks for any help you can give!!


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