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Hair On Chest Getting Small Bare Patches


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My girl over the past two months has been having small hairless spots appear. At first I thought they tied in with where the tag on her collar might rub on her chest. Her hair is naturally a little thin here anyway so I thought it wouldn't take much to rub it off. I did leave her collar off for a couple of weeks and it seemed to improve. However I have since put the collar back on and now noticed bare spots appear in places the tags could never rub enough to wear hair off. Most of the hairless spots are quite small, only a few mm x mm others are slightly larger. They don't appear to irritate her. She's not scratching at them. I will be taking her to the vets this week to get them to look at it. I have a photo I took from my phone, so not the best quality. She's almost 18 mths, fed mostly raw, Eagle Pack Holistic Chicken & Rice, sardines. Just trying to get an angle on it and find some questions I can fire at the vet before I go there. The photos make the area look very pink but this is not really the case.



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Thanks everyone for replying. It is a bit of a mystery and I guess we'll only know when I take her to the vet! I just hope it's something very easy to fix.

Poodlefan - no harness and she's only been wearing a dog coat at night for the last couple of weeks and spots were there before the coat!

There is an indentation in her fur on her neck from where her collar sits (can be seen on photo) but no hair off there.

Edited by Jigsaw
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Just been to the vet. He did a scraping for demodetic mange which was negative. He has ruled out ringworm as there is no crust on the skin. He has at the moment ruled out thyroid or any other more nasty type things due to her age (18mths) and the fact that the hair loss is concentrated in one area at the moment. Vet said it could be an immune response to something that happened a few months ago. I did tell him that I thought it had worsened slightly since her bee sting two weeks ago (which entailed an emergency rush to vet). So at the moment rather than dose her up with drugs that may have no affect we are waiting to see whether any more symptoms arise in the next three weeks or it resolves itself and the hair regrows. It's been put down as a bit of a mystery at the moment as the skin is not inflammed nor is it itchy or scabby. Just motheaten!!!

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ringworm doesnt have to show a crust on the skin :o it can start with patches of hair loss you need a woods lamp to see it properly

it looks a little wet is she maybe scratching herself or licking?

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No it's dry. No scratching, well no more than I would consider normal! And no licking. Just to add the hair doesn't clump out either. Will be keeping an eye on it for the next few weeks.

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