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Bones While Teething


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is it okay to give bones to a puppy who it beginning to lose teeth?. My pup should be teething in the next two weeks.

Also, are bones from racks of beef ribs okay to chew (raw)? Or are they easy to splinter?

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Bones are fine and it's a good way to encourage the baby teeth to come out.

Chicken wings, frames, necks , rabbit, brisket, lamb necks ( whole not chops), lamb flap, root tail are all good.

I've not fed beef ribs as I can't get them but I'm assuming they are meaty like lamb flaps and would be fine

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Zuma has quite a few teeth coming through at the moment and seems to enjoy being able to crunch on bones, though I did notice on Friday night that he was whining while he was eating a roo bone (though it didn't stop him eating at all!!!) but will probably give him something a bit softer this week just in case it was making him a bit uncomfortable.

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Just watch with the beef ribs that they aren't split - even my adult dogs inevitably get them caught on their teeth along the jaw line - then i have to reach in and pry it off their teeth :thumbsup: I stopped getting them i must admit because of that - i'd probably recommend lamb or pork ribs more so then beef ribs :thumbsup:

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