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Goodbye Jelly Belly

Dust Angel

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We lost our Ellie tonight, she fought so damn hard that little girl its not fair that she didnt make it. We tried everything as did our vet and our little lion hearted kitty. If courage could have pulled her through she would still be here today.

Born on the side of a mountain Ellie was only four, still a baby really. Im devastated that we lost her when everyone was willing so hard for her to live.

Its just not fair.

Ill miss you Jelly Belly you were most definatley the sweetest little angel kitty we had, you just loved "your" people despite the fact that you were born wild. You were so soft and so sweet, even after being injected and medicated and despite not being able to breathe easy you would still pick up a purr when you saw us at the end. Ill miss you so damn much.

Shame god damn shame.






Rest easy at the bridge my little friend may you walk with Grandad through the fields until we meet again my little friend.

Edited by Dust Angel
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I'm so sorry for your loss of this pretty little girl.

Fly free little one. :confused:

Jelly Belly run free at the bridge.

Hugs to you DA xox


A caterpillar asked God, "What happens when I die?"

God replied, "Have you seen the butterfly?"

The Caterpillar, "Yes, do I have to die to become one?"

God said, "No, not really. A part of you dies, but another, stronger part

of you continues to live - it just changes forms."

Author Unknown


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:rofl: Oh DA & Snowy, I'm so sorry Ellie lost her fight, you all tried so hard.

What a beautiful girl - your photos made my cry DA - they really captured Ellie's beauty and the little mountain lion inside.

run free & wild little beauty.

hugs from fifi, danny & hounds xxxxxx

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Oh no :laugh: I'm so sorry Dusty and Snowy. I was so sure she would pull through :rofl:

We'll be thinking of you - let me know if there's anything we can do.

Rest easy Ellie girl :rofl:

Edited by Longclaw
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I am so sorry for your loss. She was such a beautiful girl! :) At least she had a wonderful life with you for the time she was here. She might never have known how wonderful the love of a human is, the gentle touch of a kind hand, not having to kill or forage to survive. She could have spent her entire life wild and afraid of people, but you saved her and helped her become the beautiful girl she was. You gave her something so precious! RIP Ellie. :laugh:

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