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Help! My 4mo's Puppy Swallowed 2 Lamb Ribs!


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Im not sure where to post this but gladly appreciate if anyone have advice for me!

Im so scared and worried now! my 4mos french bulldog puppy just swallowed uncooked 2 lamb ribs 10-12cm long and lilttle bit bigger than my index finger sized bones. he swallowed without chewing. It was so quick, i tried to open his mouth ang grab it but it was so slippery. :confused: I dont know what to do, he got it from bin - tipped them over!!

Please tell me if anyone can help with advice or suggestions! It happened 15 mins ago and now he still seemed fine and happy.

Thanks everyone, Im so woried now. what should I do??

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I'm not sure if thats serious or not cause i dont know have hard lamb ribs are but just keep an eye out for discomfort, drooling, panting. If this starts i'd go straight to the vet.

Edited by WildatHeart
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I feed my dogs uncooked bones all the time. :confused: He should be fine.

He may vomit bone shards or get diarrhoea if he's not used to it (which is sounds like he's not!), but otherwise I'd expect no ill effects.

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If they were uncooked it will most likely be ok. Dogs have very acidic gastric juices, which is why they are able to ingest bones in the first place. By the time it works its way through the system, there's a reasonable chance it will have been well broken down by then - at least sufficiently for it to safely be expelled the other end.

Do watch for signs of discomfort/stress and/or difficulty with bowel movements, but otherwise if it were me I'd just wait it out.

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I'm not sure if thats serious or not cause i dont know have hard lamb ribs are but just keep an eye out for discomfort, drooling, panting. If this starts i'd go straight to the vet.

At the moment he is fine and sleeping, was passing stool 5mins ago but it seem normal. I will defenetly keep an eye. Thanks!

I feed my dogs uncooked bones all the time. :confused: He should be fine.

He may vomit bone shards or get diarrhoea if he's not used to it (which is sounds like he's not!), but otherwise I'd expect no ill effects.

He eat raw meat and chew raw bones too but never swallowed thats why Im so worried! And he is a small puppy. Finger crossed nothing happen.

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If they were uncooked it will most likely be ok. Dogs have very acidic gastric juices, which is why they are able to ingest bones in the first place. By the time it works its way through the system, there's a reasonable chance it will have been well broken down by then - at least sufficiently for it to safely be expelled the other end.

Do watch for signs of discomfort/stress and/or difficulty with bowel movements, but otherwise if it were me I'd just wait it out.

Yes the bone is raw, glad to hear dog have very acidic gastric juices so the bone can breaks down in the stomach. But how about the bone get stuck in the intestines? I just read some info on the net that if this happen then its very dangerous. :confused:

At the moment there is no signs of stress and he passed a stool once, not long after swallowed the bones.

Thank you for your info! :) make me feel a bit better

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... was passing stool 5mins ago but it seem normal. I will defenetly keep an eye. Thanks!

As it is only a short time since he swallowed the bones, the feces he has passed would have been from digested food before he ingested the bones. I think the digestion process takes about 8 - 12 hours. Don't quote me on that though :confused:.

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How would a 4 mth old small puppy swallow a 12 cm long bone whole???? his whole THROAT wouldn't be 12 cm long!Even our adult dogs can't swallow a bone like that without a lot of pain.

Surely he chewed them??.... it would be like sword-swallowing!!OUCH.

give him a pinch of PSYLLIUM husk (buy from health food store or chemist) twice a day... just a tiny pinch... this will form a nice gel in his intestine, to help with sharp bone .

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How would a 4 mth old small puppy swallow a 12 cm long bone whole???? his whole THROAT wouldn't be 12 cm long!Even our adult dogs can't swallow a bone like that without a lot of pain.

Surely he chewed them??.... it would be like sword-swallowing!!OUCH.

give him a pinch of PSYLLIUM husk (buy from health food store or chemist) twice a day... just a tiny pinch... this will form a nice gel in his intestine, to help with sharp bone .

my puppy didn't chew the bones just gulped them down, because the bones is raw so its very sliperry.

great advice! I might try the psyllium. :wave:

If the pieces are too large to be digested the dog will normally vomit them up. Just keep an eye on him, no need to panic.

Thanks Miranda! he is not vomitting at all and so far hes been ok.

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All bones and meat and vegtables should be fed raw. I would be very worried if you had cooked them. Cooked bones are no good for dogs.

Lamb ribs/flabs are great bones to feed. They are soft so easily chewed and easily digested.

Your puppy should be fine. If he wasn't he would be trying to gag the bone back up. Many people feed puppies bones from a very young age.

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well time should be telling if he's passed them OK. How is he now.
How is the 'sword-swallower' now?

Hopefully all is well, and the bones have been well digested :thumbsup:

Thank you Kirislin and Persephone, until now he is been fine. Eat and go toilet regular and seem normal. I should keep a close eye on him at least until the day after tommorrow to make sure all ok.

I also been checking his pop, the bones seemed not there yet. Is it normal? anyone know? or he should be passing the bones by now?

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