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Ankc Agility Trials


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OK have my first ANKC agility trial next weekend :laugh:

I have been to ADAC and ADAA trials, which can be fairly laid back, so wondering what I need to do when I get to an ANKC one. Do I have to check in somewhere and tell them I am there? I have to take the dog into the ring on lead and then give lead to steward right? I think I will run him nude so that it is the same as the other comps I enter.

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Here is a video of the trial. Thank you to the lady with Min Pins for videoing it for me! Quite foggy so not optimal videoing conditions.

Much busier than the ADAC and ADAA trials I have been to, and 3 rings. Novice Jumping was up first so I was happy about that. He didn't run off which was my aim for this trial so I am very happy :thumbsup: He didn't hold his start line stay though and stepped on the broad jump and went around the tyre. Overall I was happy with his performance as he jumped well despite the distractions and did the chute which he has had problems with before.

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Hey Kavik I think I was sitting with you yesterday while you were there, near Sue and Nicole who did your video-ing. Well done, it was great to meet you and I'm glad you enjoyed it :rofl:

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Sounds like you had fun! and he had some achievment which is also great.

sorry OT but, ADAC and ADAA trials

I have seen these mentioned a few times before on here but have no idea what they are. I have only ever been to ANKC trials?

What is the difference?

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ADAC and ADAA are two other agility organisations. They don't run in every state though, not sure which states each one runs in.

They are both adapted from overseas organisations, and with ADAA there is the opportunity to go overseas to compete (unfortunately due to our quarantine laws it means we can't bring our own dogs but do get host dogs from the host nation to run). They have different rules to ANKC in regards to jump heights, height of dogwalk and A-Frame, distance between jumps, different classes, titles and games. They are smaller organisations than the ANKC and trials have less participants and some can be more casual than ANKC.



There is also NADAC - not sure what the difference is to ADAC in terms of rules


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I just had a look at the calender and they had 3 trials at the end of June. I have never heard of them before though. Perth unfortunately is still 750kms away, but hey at least they are in WA now! Will keep reading up. I am assuming that your dog can be rego'd with them only and don't have to be ANKC rego'd? Rommi is anyway, but looks interesting. Pity there are no WA based judges with them yet!

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I was thinking about doing some NADAC comps. They sound nice and friendly.

How do people feel about these other comps compared to ANKC? Is it a waste of time going due to not getting a title? Think they do have their own titles but are these viewed as good as the ANKC titles? Not sure if that came out right! Hopefully someone will know what I mean!

Looking good Kavik!

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Thanks Jules!

They do have their own titles, Kaos has his NJC (Novice Jumping Certificate) from ADAC. I don't think the titles are recognised by ANKC. I have found ADAC to be very friendly and casual and a good introduction to competing in agility as they are a small organisation. Helped me with my ring nerves too :eek:

ETA: I wish there was a small alternate organisation for competition obedience! Might have helped me get started with Diesel. ANKC sounds a bit daunting, nerves would be my undoing since Diesel gets stressed too.

Edited by Kavik
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