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Should I Or Shouldnt I?


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Ok first off a little background story. When I got Toby I had big plans and dreams to trail him, I did enter both obedience and agility trials but that didnt work out to good so I gave up on him, he's just not the working kind.

After loseing my beautifull old lab Bomber my step dad bought a shy little lab x golden home she didnt stay shy for long. I've been doing alot of

training with her and very keen to stick to it. Now here's my problem, CJ at 8 months ( tomorrow ) has so much engery, is bright, outgoing, picks up things quckily, shows good focus and is very toy and food moitivated basically the dog i've always wanted. After a bad experince at the last trial I said I would never step foot in another trial ring again.

But CJ is showing so much promise that I have been thinking about trialing her. I just dont know if im brave enough to do it.

Edited by whitka
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I say go for it!

I'm hoping to trial with Daisy by the end of the year, I have no experience with trialling and did not get her with the intention of doing competition obedience - but we both enjoy training and I figure why not give it a go :rofl:

We could be laughed out of the ring (she is a beagle after all and I'm a very inexperienced handler!) but I won't know until I try. Don't worry about trialling so much, worry about whether or not you and your dog are having a good time and go from there :rofl:

Do you have a club near you that does mock trials? It might be worth trying a couple to see how you go :)

Edited by huski
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I say go for it!

I am competing with my Kaos - he is the first dog I have competed with (after wanting to trial with previous two dogs but didn't work out for one reason reason or another - Zoe is dog aggro and Diesel isn't interested and health problems). I am finding some differences in our trialling and training performances which I am trying to address, but I am sure things improve with experience. I am happy to be giving it a go!

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Definitely give it a go!! :rofl:

I'm a complete newbie with a newbie dog, scared absolutely sh*tless everytime I step into the ring as I have a dog who is unpredictable with her efforts, but I keep going back :rofl:

Sucker for punishment perhaps, but it's fun!

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Thanks for the encourgement guys, I really need it.

Huski no there's really nothing like that around here, but I think the local club sets up a ring every now and then.

RS everytime I was competeing at a trial I would spend most of the time in the toilet throwing up or trying to ( I could never eat anything )

My expectations are being kept in check, I just want her to enjoy working.

Should I go back to the club and trian there or would it better doing it on my own? Any advise on how to do it right would be grate, im not gonna ruin another dog.

Edited by whitka
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I would say give it a go. Just look at it as having fun and everything eles is a bonus.

I completly understand how you feel though. I am in the process of learning all these things and doing beginners agility with a Greyhound who is not breed or designed for these event so I know the hill you are up against. But I am giving it a go and having fun doing it and while he is also enjoying it we will continue.

PS he is made as a cut snake being 13months old and I don't know how to get past the instink of taking off if things look more interesting on the other side of the field so we have challenages ahead to. Maybe we will met each other in the ring one day and have little champions with us!

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