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Licking Puppy Problems


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I just wanted to ask a quick question about my 8 month old maltese. She is constantly licking. She wants to lick my hands, my face, my feet. Sometimes she just looks at me and licks the air. While I don't mind too much, it's around other people that it gets a bit ewww. Any ideas about how to stop her doing this?

Oh- and while I'm here, she loves to eat those raw hide stick things, how good are they for her? Should I be putting a stop to her knawing? :hug:



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My border collie loves to lick too. I'm not sure how to stop it though.. its really annoying! and shes about 20 months old now! Its not use telling Jess off when she licks because she gets scared and licks even more! sorry can't help you..

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Hi there MP

I dont know how to fix the problem. But it must be something about malteses lol.

Because one of our friends owns 2 malteses. One of them is lick mad. When you say hello to her she just sits there making a happy growl type noise and licks like mad! The air. then you go to pat her and she just licks away. Haha

Its actually very amusing hahah!

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  MP_ said:
I just wanted to ask a quick question about my 8 month old maltese. She is constantly licking. She wants to lick my hands, my face, my feet. Sometimes she just looks at me and licks the air. While I don't mind too much, it's around other people that it gets a bit ewww. Any ideas about how to stop her doing this?

Oh- and while I'm here, she loves to eat those raw hide stick things, how good are they for her? Should I be putting a stop to her knawing? :)



my poodle does this. it drives me f...ing nuts! and everyone else too!. She is learning not to to me anyway....slowly. I growl at her when she does it and then pet and coo her when she stops. Now she stands on my lap head high licking her lips, dying to lick me but she knows she will only get petted if she doesn't do it. God love her! :)

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  DogSportObsessed said:
My border collie loves to lick too. I'm not sure how to stop it though.. its really annoying! and shes about 20 months old now! Its not use telling Jess off when she licks because she gets scared and licks even more! sorry can't help you..

Would love to see you in the bc subbreed forum.

I love my dogs but I don't like dogs licking me. The best way to try & stop it is to not let them do it by moving away & ignoring them. Each time you approach & pat them & they go to lick, take your hand away. Remove yourself from them. Try again & keep moving away if they go to lick.

When they get the message & don't lick, go over board with praise & a food treat.

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Please do not give too much raw hide to your pup. They are bad. Once a month is ok, but not more than that.

My pup loved them so i gave her quite a few and she got so sick eventually, after paying $600 in medical, finally found out it is the raw hide that causing it. Explosive diarrhea and throwing up... not a good scene

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  MP_ said:
I just wanted to ask a quick question about my 8 month old maltese. She is constantly licking. She wants to lick my hands, my face, my feet. Sometimes she just looks at me and licks the air. While I don't mind too much, it's around other people that it gets a bit ewww. Any ideas about how to stop her doing this?

Yes, don't let her.

Don't let her near you when she does this. Put her down, stand up, move away or tell her "arggh". If she does it to others, move her away from them. She does it because she enjoys it. You have to teach her that you won't tolerate it.

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