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Before And After

Luke W

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Guest Tess32
I have noticed that the Canon 70-200 L f/4 seems to 'throw' green and yellow tones in sunny conditions. Has anyone else noticed that? I find I need to adjust the tint a bit on sunny days or the shots are too warm.

Yep I have..

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I thought it was just me. Especially in bright sunshine. Can't do much if you take a dog shot at a show with the time though.

Then you adjust the white balance and the raw coverter throws in an ugly tint to compensate.

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Ok Luke this is what I like/dislike

first one - I like the rays coming down from the sky but the sand looks too yellow to me, unnatural for a cloudy day. Original photo does nothing for me, its too grey, maybe I would turn it to black and white, dont know.

second one - the bridge and the dogs colour look more natural in the original , but I like the vignette effect in the ps one.

Third - same expect the water in the original looks shocking hence I like the colour of water in the ps one more, plus original needed to be cropped, and you have done that nicely.

Forth - same as second

Fifth - same as 2 and 5 and whatever is in the background that is yellow doesnt look natural, neither is the colour of the grass its nearly fluoroescent.

Sixth - same as 1, the ps one looks arty to me and I like it more then original as original is too grey. But ps one is full on ps, its not making the photo look natural.

As I said - I like what people can do in PS and this is what I like here

All in all I like some changes but some things look artificial to me.

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You ruined the magic! :)


I love looking at how people edit their photos, some I like, some I don't, as someone mentioned earlier It's all

a matter of personal taste, I like to look at pics as though they're a blank canvas and then the edited ones,

as a finished work of art.

Liked them all after edited, except for the second last one, no particular reason why either,

Nice work on sharing some tips, :( just wished they would sink Into this brain, It's always seems too

complicated :hug:

ETA: Coz I think I worded it wrong :rofl:

Edited by RottnBullies
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His tongue is hanging out LOL

Seriously though, I love the location with the bridge, so those are my favorites, where are they taken? I also love the photoshop work on those photos.

I prefer the original of him running with the ball in his mouth, I think with the vingette (or however it is spelt) distracts from a background that works perfectly for the photo with the trees framing the dog

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Thanks Helen!

I think I over did the editing on the one running with the ball.

The bridge is a little foot bridge in a little park called Thompson Street Reserve in Coffs Harbour.

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