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Sore Left Back Leg


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My puppy Jet was running yesterday afternoon back and forth along the fence. Later I realised he was limping. This has happened twice previously when he has been playing rough with other dogs etc and he had stopped limping 20 minutes later in the pervious situations.

This time he is still limping. I am concerned coz it has lasted so long. I am assuming it is a sprained left back leg. I have looked at the leg and there is no physical difference. I also felt and pressed a little harder on areas on the leg and he had no reaction. He has not whimpered once. The only difference is when I pull out the back leg which he isn't limping on he lets me pull it right out however the one thats sore when I pull it out he will pull it back and won't let me do it, but again no other noises or reactions. Last night I kept him crated to keep a close eye on him. This morning it seemed to improve a little and he is running and is fine, but is still limping. I wanted to see how it goes over night again, but I thought I would see what other people thought.

Is there anything I can do to help?

Should I leave it and see if it impoves again overnight?

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The first thing I'd say is that he's too young to be allowed to "play rough" with larger dogs.

I'd be off to the vet to have his patellas checked. Several instances of prolonged limping on the same leg suggest a visit and a professional diagnosis is in order.

It may be nothing but muscle soreness - but better safe than sorry.

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As this appears to be an ongoing problem I think a visit to the vet is in order. If he was a large breed I would be concerned about his hips, but this is much less likely although not impossible in a small breed.

I agree with poodlefan regarding the rough play, definitely not a good idea in a young puppy.

It may be an injury that is being exacerbated by exercise and simply requires a period of rest to allow it to heal, but it's best to have it checked out.

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Thank you for the advice :hug:

It may be an injury that is being exacerbated by exercise and simply requires a period of rest to allow it to heal, but it's best to have it checked out.

I gave my local vet a call and the vet nurse was very helpful. She told me it does not sound serious since he is still running on it and to see how he goes over the next day and if there in no improvement to take him in.

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Definitely a trip to the vet if it is something that persists.

You may also want to see a soft tissue therapist. Someone that does massage or bowen therapy may help correct or release restrictions from that leg and elsewhere on the body that is contributing to the problem.

A google search should find some practitioners.



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I would seriously consider having the leg looked at if no improvement in the short term.

To my dismay, I have just found out that my nearly 9 year old west highland white terrier has hip dyslasia. He never showed signs until now but the sad part is that he was born with it. :mad

So, although rare, small dogs can have HD.

Future pups will be x-rayed when they stop growing as I never want any dog of mine to feel any sort of discomfort for most of their life, no matter how stoic they are!!

Edited by westielover
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westielover :) i hope it improves and he isnt in to much pain. Jet was still imping this morning and i have an appointment booked for tomorrow morning! I hope it isnt anything to serious.

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