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Elizabethan Collar

Sera Bishop

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We had our 8 month old Golden Retriever Cookie desexed yesterday.

The vet decided not to give us any pain relief to take home stating the injection she had would last 24 hours.

She seems ok.

I spent all last night awake as Cookie was licking at her stitches, so this morning my husband got her an elizabethan collar.

My question is...how long do we need to keep this collar on her, boy it looks uncomfotable (I know it's better than her biting at her stitches)

but was wondering if anyone else has been through the same experience and can give me any advice.

She is banging and crashing into everything and can't even drink water with it on :)

many thanks


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Hugo had to have his on for the whole 2 week duration of the stitches being in. We took it off at the start when we were home, but it was ridiculous, every chance he got he was at them.... Try taking it off when the wound seems to be healed a little more, but in Hugo's case it was the sutures themselves that he didn't like, not the wound.

However, he'd had a couple of eye ops by then so was a very experienced elizebethan collar wearer!!

It may be too big if she can't drink with it on... are you sure she can't? i remember having to teach Hugo how to by lifting the 'bucket' up and over the bowl, so the edges of the collar were on the ground with his head and the bowl inside the 'bucket' - easiest to teach with a food bowl, and then she'll hopefully work out it's the same with the water bowl!

Good luck!

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The collar should stay on for at least week.

You will have to be vigilant in removing it often- to let her drink/eat...OR provide containers that will enable her to drink whilst wearing the E collar.

A higher, narrower water container often works... the container will fit 'inside' the circle of the E collar.. and dog can rink quite well :eek:

You can also ask the vet for some bitter bite stuff to spray around the wound to deter licking- tho this is often not enough :)

ORRR if you are round to supervise, I would recommend a muzzle like this!! A dog can drink with one of these, if container is nice & * deep* and does not get disoriented and even more clumsy! :eek:

The ones I have are the BEST thing I have bought for the dogs :laugh:

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  Shellectra said:
Im fearing this in 2 months when I have to desex my girl :)

From what i've seen it's really uncommon, we probably send them home with an elizabethan collar once every... uh...2-3 weeks? If they're gunna be nibblers they often are in recovery at the vet... but yeah they seem to go 'oh whats that' when you first walk them out of their cage, and then they get over it.

Hugo's just a brat. haha.

Edited by Bindii
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From past experience you would normally have this collar on for the duration of the stitches being in.

Some vets suggest that you periodically take the collar off (whilst your at home and can watch your dog) so that you can give your dog a bit of a groom, especially with coated breeds around the collar area. This also gives you the opportunity to clean the collar, keeping in clean and hygienic.

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  Shellectra said:
Im fearing this in 2 months when I have to desex my girl :thumbsup:

so was i in a way when i got my girl done, but she never even noticed the stitches or anything,

the hardest part is keeping them quite, they act like nothing happened.

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If she's not licking obsessively and you are able to watch her you can take it off. I usually only put one on at night or when I can't supervise.

All dogs are different when they have stitches, some ignore them, some lick occasionally and some won't leave them alone, you don't know how they'll react until they've had the surgery.

Edited by Miranda
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I went through this with middi 2 months ago. The gave me a plastic elizebathan collar which she hated and I spent all weekend making alterations to it as she could still reach her stitches. I even tried to sew her a fabric one but it didnt work.

I tried pretty well every alternative I found on google but the best thing I found was using a fabric bandage and wrapping it around her midle taking it off every couple of hours to expose the wound to air. Worked a treat.

I made sure I wrapped the bandage a width on either side of the wound so it made it hard for her to get underneath. She just licked the top layer and seemed to be comforted by that.

I tried those self adhesive coloured bandages for dogs over the top of the fabric bandage but because they are self adhesive they seemed to stick to the wound and must have pulled the skin which made her cry :thumbsup:

So plain old fabric bandage was the best. Could have saved myself a weekend of sewing (bad sewing at that! :thumbsup: )

Hope your pup is ok Sera.

If this isn't clear feel free to p.m. me.

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Most vets do not send a dog home with take home pain killers after desexing. If the desexing had complications they will sometimes send home piankillers.

The collar should be left on untill the stitches come out in two weeks. She will cope fine with the collar it will be you that gets over her bashing you up the legs with it.

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My cat just spent two and a half weeks in one, after having surgery for an abscess (puppy bite!). The vet told me to elevate his food and water, to enable him to eat and drink with the collar on. I just put the bowls up on an old phone book - did the trick! It meant that the collar didn't hit the floor when he went to a bowl.

Bloody dog took no notice of HIS stitches when he was desexed! Typical...

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Our pup had to have the collar on the whole time until his stitches were removed - he didn't know how wide he was and kept bashing into walls - also impaired his sniffing of things that made him very frustrated!

But... good news was it was only 1 week as he healed really well - so if you think they're healing, get your pup back to the vets to get them removed and free from horrid plastic cone in no time... til then good luck!!

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I've just had one of my boys done and he's hardly licked at all :o He's got the disolvable stitches, don't know if vets are starting to use these now or just the vet I took him too. Was quite surprised when I asked if I should bring him back in 10 days for stitches out, and was told, no, no need.

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Rosie had one of these when we got her desexed - but - being the skinny flexible kelpie she is she could almost reach to scratch her stitches with her back paws :o so - here is what we had to do to her :rofl:




didn't bother her - as you can see from the smile on her face :shrug:

We taped the socks on her back feet

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They belonged to my daughter - who is 7 - so any kids socks would be Ok I suppose they seemed to be about the same size as her feet up to the elbow (if that makes sense)

Here's another pic


and that was masking tape we used to tape them on :o:shrug:

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For anyone who has to use an elizabethean collar there is a new product on the market. Made in Ballarat and you should find that it is available thru lots of vets if not from yours ask them why?

Its called a novaguard. www.provizoraustralia.com.

It is designed more like a helmet and is much better for the dog as they can move around without banging into doors plus they can still eat and drink and their ears are free hence the sounds are normal for them.

It does take a little bit of supervision for the dog to get used to it but then they are able to leave it on and wander around without the stress that the E Collar creates. Once my dog was used to it I found it easy to get on and off.

So all you dog owners out there, check it out as it is an australian invention and australian made.

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My pup was desexed 3 weeks ago and didn't give 2 stuffs about his 1 stitch (small balls!). He was humping again within 48 hours so that was more of a concern! Thought he'd pop his stitch.

I have had to use a collar on him though to stop licking at his burn. He doesn't care at all when it's on and still runs around like a fool and can still eat and drink. My worry is having to leave it on him when I'm at work and he's unsupervised. I'm scared he will get stuck or the tie will tighten or something... worry wart!

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