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Help - He Keeps Pooing In His Crate.


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Guess who slept through the entire night last night.



Anyway we made it through the whole night with ZERO wee's inside.

And through the night with ZERO wee's in his crate.

It was an effort to get him OUT of the crate in the morning.

When the training starts coming together you really start to appreciate them.

He is so much easier to be around like this.

Anyway, will keep on with it.

Thankyou everyone.

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Guess who slept through the entire night last night.



Anyway we made it through the whole night with ZERO wee's inside.

And through the night with ZERO wee's in his crate.

It was an effort to get him OUT of the crate in the morning.

When the training starts coming together you really start to appreciate them.

He is so much easier to be around like this.

Anyway, will keep on with it.

Thankyou everyone.

:thumbsup: Yay for iggie piggie and Hank - it's a nice feeling, huh ? Our 12 wk old lab slept through the night for the first time earlier in the week, then again a second and third night although last night he had a compelling need to poo - and fast, he cried, I got up let him out and straight back to bed for both of us.

You are so right about appreciating them and seeing your persistence and work pay off.

Long way to go at their age, but it's still great.

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