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Male Dog Licking


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my male boy who is almost 13 years this September ( desexed when 6 months old )

have noticed the last week he has been licking his penis almost constant ( mainly in the morning )

yes he cleans himself over the years , but this seems more than normal

after a closer look , it seems as though the tip seems to be slightly pinker than normal

yet when I touch around the area he has no discomfort , ( none that he shows )

I can't see anything unusual other than slight pink

and it appears to be only in mornings after he wakes up

he appears to be OK when weeing and I cant notice any blood in his urine or doesnt appear to hurt when urinateing ( I was thinking maybe a urinary infection)

sometimes the hair around penis has like a creamy colour

I presume this is semen from his little hormone attacks he still has every so often ( he hasnt lost his urge to try ) :provoke:

I decide the night before to check with Vet , then he doesnt do it again for a day , then he starts licking agin

Any ideas please


( known health issues are HD and Arthritis and nice and healthy blood test results last year )

which I doubt are not related to this licking

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You're the only one who can judge whether it needs Veterinary attention and I guess with his age I'd be inclined to want to make sure. However, if it doesn't appear to be anything sinister, you could try wiping the sheath and just inside the sheath gently with a tissue wetted with Colloidal Silver. If what you consider is excessive licking continues after you've applied this for a couple of days or if symptoms worsen, then I'd be taking the trip to the Vet to make sure it is not a UTI.

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Thanks Erny

no it doesnt look sinister otherwise he would have been to vet by now

he hasn't even doen it this morning

I will try the Colloidal and see how that goes and see if that helps if not will ceratinly get him checked out

Thanks :thumbsup:

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sometimes the hair around penis has like a creamy colour

I presume this is semen from his little hormone attacks he still has every so often ( he hasnt lost his urge to try ) :thumbsup:

I might be completely wrong but I am sure that desexed dogs can not produce semen.

I would be thinking infection.

Blood in his urine may not be visable to the naked eye but under a microscope it may be very visable.

I would be putting an elizabethan collar onto him, so he can't lick, and bathing the area in warm salty water for a few days to see if there is an improvement. If not then collecting a urine sample and taking him to the vets.

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I might be completely wrong but I am sure that desexed dogs can not produce semen.

I would be thinking infection.

Having a small amount of whitish-yellow discharge is normal for a dog. The production of the discharge is from the normal sloughing of cells and accumulation of debris. But this discharge, if it gets out of control, can be a good place for bacteria to harbor. So if the discharge becomes really greenish or a colour that seems different than you've noticed before, then this might indicate infection in which case a trip to the Vet is in order.

My boy had the whitish-yellow discharge when he was around the 6mo mark. It wasn't a bad colour so I wasn't too concerned, but it did seem to be a bit excessive and he was paying a little (IMO) too much 'attention' to it. So I gave it that gentle wipe over with a tissue moistened with Colloidal Silver once a day. This seemed to correct the problem (or whatever problem might have been developing). I think in part the discharge and the licking can be a cyclic problem. He still has the whitish-yellow discharge every now and again, but not to excess and his 'cleaning' routine is no longer obsessive nor excessive.

Edited by Erny
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Yes puggy puggy if he has to go I would try and collect a urine sample first

he is pretty good if I say stop , he will stop the licking

I am a great fan of tepid boiled salt water and have healed a few cut paw pads etc with it

but wasnt sure if the salt water would sting him in that area

Erny , yes that is what is happaning with the discharge

no funny odd colour to it

since I posted the thread he hasn't done it since , but also not as pink

but will be keeping a watch over it

Thanks :thumbsup:

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I have a similar problem with girl licking her private parts till it gets a bit sore and pink. Have been to the vets about it twice and they think its just a habit. Urination is normal and she holds on all through the night. The vet didn't think it was an infection. So I have been on her case about it when i see her do it. I think I have just about broken the habit now. I did use some bitter stuff on a q-tip around the area but not on the area directly and i think that helped.

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  • 2 weeks later...


after the last week of Sam haveing mornings of wet patches on his bed ( I mean huge patches ) which obviously wasnt just his licking

the vet called around today and it is his spine causeing problems

I had a urine sample ready for vet and everything tested fine there

Vet was concerned with the amount of water he is drinking

and it is always worse night / early morning times

we knew Sam had HD and arthritis

but it appears he might have Lower Lumbar Disc Disease , resulting in Sciatica

hence when he is relaxed he wets and has BAD flatulance

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