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Acupuncture As A Treatment For Dogs?


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I am a student at the University of Western Sydney, completing my final year of study in the Bachelor of Animal Science. In our final year, as students about to enter the industry, we are required to complete a study within the Animal/Science based industry, with a client who is investigating a problem or issue. I am currently working with an animal acupuncturist, who treats a variety of animals, particularly dogs with osteoporosis and musculoskeletal problems/conditions.

Part of this study, requires me to identify people’s attitudes to the various therapies available for the above conditions. To do this I have devised a short survey which will allow me to identify what people’s attitudes are towards these therapies and treatments.

I am writing this letter, to see if you would be interested in participating in my project, by making yourself and and other dog and breed enthusiasts aware of the survey, and completing it. This is a non-obligatory survey, and requires no personal details to be collected. All the information that is gathered from this survey will be strictly confidential and will be only be provided to my client and the University academic supervisors.

If you were interested, could you please contact me via email, [email protected], or through this forum. Thanks!

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Do you need people who have dogs undergoing acupuncture or just their opinions of it?

No the survey is actually for people with dogs really. Their are some questions that are related to owners that have used accupuncture, but the survey isnt based on this. Ive attached the survey below, if people wish to fill it out and re post or send it that would be great!

Thankyou for choosing to complete the survey! There is no need for personal details. All of the information you provide will be used for research, based on dogs and the therapies and treatments currently available. The information we gather will also be analysed and used to formulate a document to be presented to the University of Western Sydney and associated clients.

Please do not hesitate to contact myself or my supervisors if you have any enquiries,

Brianna Mallaby: 0409 783 748

Samsul Huda (Supervisor): (02) 4570 1390

Julie Old (Academic Head of Program): (02) 4570 1243

1. Has your dog previously suffered, or currently suffer from any form of muscle or skeletal based diseases or conditions? (Please circle)

Yes No

If yes, please continue. If not, please continue at question 4.

2. If so what was it? (please circle)

[a] Osteoporosis

Disc related disease

[c] Disc bulge/protrusion/rupture

[d] Spinal misalignment

[e] Muscle related disease

[f] Muscle Inflammation

[g]Muscle strain/cramp

[h]Muscle Atrophy

Other (please state)______________________________________________________

3. What was the cause of the disease or injury? (circle)

[a] Age

Working based injury

[c] Sporting/Active injury

[d] Genetic disorder

[e] Breed specific condition/disorder

[f] Other (please state)_____________________________________________________

4. What types of treatment has your dog received? For example, surgery, drugs, massage.





5. What would be the average recovery time from these treatments and how long on average until results were visible?

Recovery Time________________________________________________________




Visible Results_____________________________________________________




6. What types of alternative/complementary therapies are you aware of for pets?





7. Are you aware that acupuncture is an alternative therapy option for dogs suffering osteoporosis and musculoskeletal problems? (please circle)

Yes No

8. Would you use acupuncture as a treatment for your dog? (please circle)

Yes Maybe/Unsure No

9. What would affect your choice to use acupuncture as a treatment option for your dog? (please circle appropriate options)

[a] Cost

Time of treatment period (length)

[c] Accessibility

[d] Non-convential medicine

[e] Limited available research on effectivity

[f] Other_______________________________________________________


10. If more research was conducted, which produced scientific results showing that acupuncture was a sucessful treatment for dogs with osteoporosis and musculoskeletal problems; would you consider acupuncture as a treatment option for your dog? (please circle)

Yes Maybe/Unsure No

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