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Holly Darling


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Love you and miss you, Holly sweetheart. You changed my life forever because you were my first little girl and the first little angel I ever met.

You went far too early and I still don't know what I'm doing without you.

I wish I could have held you just one more time.

Always missing you.


Holly was my Old English Sheepdog. She had a weak hip, which she had replaced last Christmas. Her recovery was going great, but then her bones shattered and everything started to fall apart. I begged my Mum to send her to the city so they could try to fix her. Chances of success were low, the operation was long (6 hours) and tedious, but to have had her back and healthy was worth everything in the world. A metal brace was placed all up her femur, her bone was put back together like a puzzle. A month later, she was well onto the road to recovery. She was only walking around when her entire femur shattered, the effects of the hip displasia made her bones simply too brittle to mend. It's so difficult to remember how painful it was to say goodbye to her over the phone (she was in North Queensland, I'm in Brisbane) as my mother held her while she was being put down. There are so many things that go through my head when I think of this, and it all comes down to this. It's not fair. She was perfect, too good to be true. It doesn't seem fair that there was no medical solution. She couldn't have an amputation because of her size and low quality of the other hip. It feels so wrong that a perfectly healthy little heart was stopped, just because of a hip.

Edited by KristyG
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I'm so, so sorry about Holly leaving you so soon. I understand how hard it is to deal with....when everything else about her, except her hip, was so perfect.

I felt the same way when our Sheltie had to be gently put to sleep. She was older than Holly...but was managing well in health, except for a deteriorating nerve that controlled her back legs. Nothing could be done about it..

But you & your mother did everything possible for Holly. And Holly knew you both were with her every inch of the way. My sympathy to you on the loss of a lovely, lovely girl.

Edited by mita
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It's OK to grieve for as long as you need to. Forget people who tell you "she was just a dog."

I'm sending you 444 angels to heal your heart and to comfort you.

Holly is running around now, playing in the grass and doing all the things she wasn't able to in the physical world.

Cry all you like, she's happy and she's healthy and she's still with you in spirit

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