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Darn It! I've Lost Mandela's Tug!


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:mad .... I can't find Mandela's tug. I had it. And put it in my jacket pocket. When I got to the car, I sorted Mandela out first with his car harness and got him in, and just as I was about to drive away I did a check on my equipment. And his tug was missing! It's our favourite one and we'd really like it back. It could be in either the first or the second yard, or anywhere from the exit of the 1st yard to the car park.

I've just spent the last hour searching for it. Unfortunately, I only got to take him out late and we were already packing up just on dark, so I lost daylight quickly and didn't have a torch on me.

I know it could be picked up by anyone but I'm hoping that perhaps someone here on DOL might go there and keep a look out and let me know if they find it? Please :laugh:. I'd be very appreciative :p. I can purchase another, but I've spent so much money on Mandela's special diet and health care of late, I'm trying to reduce my expenses and I'm kicking myself for the unnecessary ones I cause to occur.

I'll pop back there first up tomorrow morning if I can. Just might need to juggle an appointment around a little bit, if I can.

It has a green loop-handle on it. The body of it is made from a material that is woven, is grey, but has a fleck through it.

Thanks in advance :eek:

ETA: Maybe it is with his Orbee Ball. I have lost that down there as well, a couple of months or so ago :laugh:. Don't know what it is about the place :laugh:.

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Maybe it is with his Orbee Ball. I have lost that down there as well, a couple of months or so ago

I hope you find it. We've lost two Kong frisbees (the red rubber ones that cost $20 each!) at Woodside beach.....we discovered they don't float and our dogs aren't retrievers. They just stood in the waves and watched the last one sink.

Someone, somewhere along the Ninety Mile Beach will find a couple of red rubber frisbees washed up on the sand one day when they least expect it.

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It's frustrating isn't it?

This tug was a fav and I was really disappointed at what is obviously my own stupidity.

If I ever come across your kong frisbees, I'll let you know, GayleK :(.

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I was there tonight but even with the footy field lights on next door it was too dark to see anything. Ebon went for a quick run around the first ring whilst I was disposing of a package and came back with half a tennis ball but no tug toy.

It is possible that if someone finds it who is a member they will bring it into the shop on Saturday.

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Hey Paulp. I think I saw that "half a tennis ball" :laugh:.

Thanks for reporting in though. I'm not sure what you mean by "bring it to the shop" :( . If by chance you mean that you might get to know about it, would you mind letting me know. It's going to bug me that our tug is out there somewhere (hhhmmm ... I think I'm obsessed! :)). It was also a gift from someone for something I did.

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I was there tonight but even with the footy field lights on next door it was too dark to see anything.

Yeah - although the footy field lights helped to a degree, they also created shadows and what I'd think might be the tug turned out to be mounds or tufts of grass. I brought Mandela back in with me after I'd already gone over both yards myself, hoping he'd somehow find it, but I think he was just a bit confused over what I was doing. It was a good socialisation experience for him though - the yelling of the spectators and the players on the footy field; some yahoo hooning on a motorbike (I presume) in the distance; and so on and so forth. So all was not lost. I felt a bit of a dill out there in the dark looking like I was wandering aimlessly though :(. I walked the path to the car about four times and shone my car lights on the carpark in case it had dropped there. And I've checked the inside of my car a couple of times already.

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Not really sure how many people use the grounds when the gates are locked. Could be heaps, could be none.

Not the same but I left a poo bag under my car there a few weeks ago, then after training drove off and totally forgot about it. Was still there the following week....albeit a bit flat! :(

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Thanks PaulP. If there's been an Orbee Ball handed in (from a couple of months or so ago) would you mind keeping an ear/eye out for that too? :). I doubt it somehow - I only hope whoever has it is putting it to the good use for which it was used to.



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:) Yay!! Found it!! It was laying in a spot where I don't even remember walking. No matter. Just pleased I found it :). Thanks to those who responded. Now, the only thing that remains AWL is my Orbee Ball.
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Sorry Erny but reading this got me thinking about that bit in the movie "Best in Show" where the lady goes looking for a replacement bumble bee toy for her dog and she becomes absolutely neurotic when she cannot find one that is exactly the same. :laugh:

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:laugh: .... actually, K-i, I was beginning to think I sounded as though I was being neurotic and yes, I saw that move and know what you mean. It's a worry when I kind of agree with you!!! :cry:

Thanks Cosmolo. Yeah .... it just bugged me that I had lost it. But all's well that ends well :o. Was worth being out in the VERY frosty cold (my hands hurt it was soooooo freezing - it reminded me of my childhood days when we used to risk frost-bite for the sake of mushrooming) earlier this morning :(.

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Once I lost a wubba at the dam at KCC, and months later I was walking around the other side of the dam, and the water level was really low, and what do I find but a dried up crusty wubba with stafford chew marks in it :rofl: Was so weird!

Glad you found it Erny :rofl:

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Hey time to teach Mandela to "find". Helps with dropped mobile phones too.

Nah, just hang around with working gundog owners. :rofl: I had a RTCH find a missing toy for me once. :rofl:

Mind you, Howie found a certain retrieving titled utility gundog's bunny for him. :rofl:


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Hey time to teach Mandela to "find". Helps with dropped mobile phones too.

Actually, I did. Except I had him working in the wrong quadrant. He found a tennis ball though, and looked somewhat pleased with himself :rofl:.

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Mind you, Howie found a certain retrieving titled utility gundog's bunny for him. :rofl:

Hey! The rabbit in that photo looks somewhat familiar. Doesn't 'belong' to a certain GSP does it?

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