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Hyperactive On Supercoat? :confused:


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I've got an 11 month old boy, I've had him about 3 months and he was eating Pedigree dry dog food, I thought I should try and buy him something a little nicer (I am very short on money - uni student - so the really expensive stuff just isn't an option for me) so I bought a big bag of Supercoat. Over the last couple of days I have been gradually switching and maybe I'm crazy but his behaviour seems to have taken a turn for the worst. Last night he was up all night pacing around the room chewing up paper and stuff, he finally got to sleep around 4 I think but then when I got up at 7 he was up and jumpy and even nipping - which he doesn't normally do! Do you think this might be thanks to the supercoat? Has anyone else had any experiences with it?


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I use supercoat for my four, but it isnt a big part of thier diet, they get a handful with thier evening meal along with thier other food.

I have tried the expensive brands but have always gone back to supercoat and never had a problem with it.

Could it be something in your routine that has changed? Has he had less excersise than usual in the last few days? Have you been feeding him enough for his size, possibly still hungry? Sorry I haven't had any experience with this type of thing so just covering all the bases. Hopefully someone else will have some other suggestions!!

Edited by tlc
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I use supercoat for my four, but it isnt a big part of thier diet, they get a handful with thier evening meal along with thier other food.

I have tried the expensive brands but have always gone back to sipercoat and never had a problem with it.

Could it be something in your routine that has changed? Has he had less excerisise than usual in the last few days? Have you been feeding him enough for his size, possibly still hungry? Sorry I havent had any experience with this type of thing so just covering all the bases. Hopefully someone else will have some other suggestions!!

I don't think anything has changed, still getting same amount of exercise, maybe he's hungry? I'll try feeding him a bit more - hopefully he doesn't fly right off the rails haha

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try something like Bonnie Working Dog or Coprice, go to the butcher and get some meat scraps/dog bones they are cheap as chips to add to your dogs diet.

those cheap dry foods alone are not enough but can be a good base.

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To the OP, I would have a read of this thread as it talks about the range of more affordable but still quality dried dog foods available:


Like Nekhbet suggested I would be adding some raw meaty bones to his diet, chicken wings/frames, lamb off cuts and turkey necks etc to bulk out his diet - they are great for his teeth and for his nutrition. You can also add raw egg, tinned sardines/mackeral, natural yoghurt etc to their dried food to make it more exciting and they are all things that are good for the dogs nutrition wise.

Edited by huski
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How much exercise is he getting? Do you do any training with him?

Gets around 45min to an hour running around with other dogs in the park every day, going through obedience school with him, doing NILIF as well as I can as well, sometimes I forget and give him a cuddle but most of the time am pretty good with it

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How much exercise is he getting? Do you do any training with him?

Gets around 45min to an hour running around with other dogs in the park every day, going through obedience school with him, doing NILIF as well as I can as well, sometimes I forget and give him a cuddle but most of the time am pretty good with it

What time do you take him to the park.. in the afternoon?

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How much exercise is he getting? Do you do any training with him?

Gets around 45min to an hour running around with other dogs in the park every day, going through obedience school with him, doing NILIF as well as I can as well, sometimes I forget and give him a cuddle but most of the time am pretty good with it

What time do you take him to the park.. in the afternoon?

Yeah between 4-5, more around 4 now its getting dark earlie

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could it be that he gets his energy back earlier now you are walking him earlier in the afternoon (due to it getting dark earlier).

Or maybe you are out a little shorter now that it is getting colder...

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How much exercise is he getting? Do you do any training with him?

Gets around 45min to an hour running around with other dogs in the park every day, going through obedience school with him, doing NILIF as well as I can as well, sometimes I forget and give him a cuddle but most of the time am pretty good with it

What time do you take him to the park.. in the afternoon?

Yeah between 4-5, more around 4 now its getting dark earlie

One possibility is that he is getting so aroused by play at the dog park that his adrenalin levels are remaining elevated overnight.. It takes hours or even days for these to drop.

How aroused does he get? You could try an experiment and take him for a long quiet walk and see if that makes a difference overnight.

Edited by poodlefan
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How much exercise is he getting? Do you do any training with him?

Gets around 45min to an hour running around with other dogs in the park every day, going through obedience school with him, doing NILIF as well as I can as well, sometimes I forget and give him a cuddle but most of the time am pretty good with it

What time do you take him to the park.. in the afternoon?

Yeah between 4-5, more around 4 now its getting dark earlie

One possibility is that he is getting so aroused by play at the dog park that his adrenalin levels are remaining elevated overnight.. It takes hours or even days for these to drop.

How aroused does he get? You could try an experiment and take him for a long quiet walk and see if that makes a difference overnight.

Thank you I think this might be a good idea. To be honest I'm having a bit of an internal battle on the dog park issue. He loves it and it socialises him plus it gives him lots of good exercise, but it winds him up and I think makes his behaviour a little worse, or at least puts him in a situation with a lot of distractions which decreases obedience... I might have to consider stopping the visits.

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Thank you I think this might be a good idea. To be honest I'm having a bit of an internal battle on the dog park issue. He loves it and it socialises him plus it gives him lots of good exercise, but it winds him up and I think makes his behaviour a little worse, or at least puts him in a situation with a lot of distractions which decreases obedience... I might have to consider stopping the visits.

Rather than stopping them entirely, I'd suggest making them less frequent. Hard running is tough on a still maturing dog's body and you need to provide a balance of control and freedom.

You can also make a visit to the park part of training. Do some work outside the gate as part of distracton training, insist on focus and control before he is unleashed and go there at quieter times to do some work in the park.

Let us know if fewer visits reduce his restlessness at night!

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With my lot, they have a lot of off lead excersise and while it is not an issue and they love it, a lot of times towards the end of the walk I will clip them on thier leads and they will have a nice quiet structured walk next to me. I couldnt walk all 4 of mine together with out them pulling my arms out (they all walk perfectly on thier own) till I started putting a few of Cesars tips on pack walking in place and now they are great to walk altogehter. So it might be worth a try to still let him spend his energy running off lead but have a quiet walk time afterwards to calm him down a bit.

Good luck

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i use supercoat with no effects as i myself is restricted to what i can spend for dog food,but i also provide a whole raw egg 2x weekly,sardines 2x weekly. variety of bones.

good luck with your feral pooch:P( can say this as i got 3 :) )

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I've got an 11 month old boy, I've had him about 3 months and he was eating Pedigree dry dog food, I thought I should try and buy him something a little nicer (I am very short on money - uni student - so the really expensive stuff just isn't an option for me) so I bought a big bag of Supercoat. Over the last couple of days I have been gradually switching and maybe I'm crazy but his behaviour seems to have taken a turn for the worst. Last night he was up all night pacing around the room chewing up paper and stuff, he finally got to sleep around 4 I think but then when I got up at 7 he was up and jumpy and even nipping - which he doesn't normally do! Do you think this might be thanks to the supercoat? Has anyone else had any experiences with it?


I had a similar experience with my dog when he was 4 or 5 months old. I tried puppy supercoat and his behaviour went right off the rails. Switched to Advance and he settled down again.

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