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Diesel Is Home!


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Hi all,

A few people may have been following Diesel's story from the start, but I thought I would start a new thread as it was getting very long, here is the old one http://www.dolforums.com.au/index.php?showtopic=166307

Short history, Diesel was very sick with a large pituitary tumor, causing cushings and having many seizures, at one stage, as many as seven in thirty minutes. Vet's thought he would have to be put down within a matter on weeks/months. I researched and found a specialised radiation machine (and amazing vet, thanks Charles and Valerie!) in Brisbane (I'm in Sydney) and I have just come back from four weeks in brisbane, with 18 radiation treatments.

Arrived home with Diesel on Friday and he is doing great! He gets up whenever someone comes to the door, wags his tail, gets his ball, all the things he used to do. Going for big walks and is basically a happy normal dog, apart from his shaved patches not growing back because of cushings.

So from here, Diesel is on cortisone tablets for one month, then half the dosage for another month, then a month with nothing, and then another MRI to see if the tumor has shrunk. The vet thinks he is looking so good that the tumor could shrink right down or even dissapear, possibly eliminating cushings. There is a small risk that while we aren't treating the cushings he has a stroke, but he needs the cortisone to reduce the swelling around the tumor. And we can't treat cushings while giving cortisone.

He still has facial paralysis, but it's not bothering him, and it's not noticeable, I just give him eye drops, and I massage his face to stimulate the muscle fibres.

What a journey we have had so far, right now I have a happy, loving dog, and every second of it seems worth it. I just appreciate each day I have with him, and take it one day at a time.

Thanks again for all the strength and support I have received from here, much love xx

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DW, that is absolutely fantastic news, best you could ever have hoped for!!! I'm so stoked that Diesel is doing so well, and really really happy for you. Sounds like he is feeling so much better.

Congratulations on your persistence and dedication to your boy... your efforts have been well rewarded, and we will keep fingers and paused crossed for the MRI results. Im sure that good things are coming your way. Please give the brave Diesel a big hug and kiss from us, he is a special boy. Hugs to you too, as I know you have stressed alot and deserve some good news and a big sigh of relief. Enjoy every second you have with your precious boy as you have been given the gift of time, which is priceless.

Not sure if you read, but good news for us too - Chloe is in remission and off all Cushings medications. We are also very happy, and she is very very well. :rofl:

Here's to our brave Cushings dogs - who pee defiantly in the face of this horrid disease and refuse to give in :)

Keep up the great work, and give us regular updates please!!!

ETA: and don't think you can get away with another post without some pics of your little guy!!! We've let you get away with it so far, but no more!! We want pics of the lovely Diesel!!!!! :rofl:

Edited by Kelly_Louise
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OMG DieselWeisel you are one very determined, stubborn and couragous dog lover :laugh: . You are now one of my idols :) Talk about moving heaven and earth - you have been there and done that for your beloved Diesel. I am crossing everything in the hopes that the tumour has shrunk completely and that you don't even have to treat for Cushing's. Both you and Deisel deserve medals for your fortitude and determination - GO DIESEL :thumbsup:

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Kelly Louise - that is great news for chloe, must be something in the air, lots of good stuff happening :provoke:

Thanks everyone for the comments, been a very busy week, getting on top of everything and getting back to normality. Diesel is amazingly well, he's even learnt a new trick. He now brings his own bed up the stairs at night and drops it in front of the bar heater in our room for the night, so clever. Still working on bringing it back down in the morn... not so keen on that one it seems!

I have tried to put photos up a while ago, and I think it said they were too big, maybe that was the avatar though. I will try again soon, all my photos are quite big it seems??

Hope everyone and there pooches are well xo

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Thanks DW, yes indeed it does seem that there is something in the air - our luck has finally turned. Not getting too confident - never know when the symptoms will reappear - so we just enjoy while she is well :cry:

Fantastic to hear the Diesel is doing so well - and from what you say - apparently is a very happy guy. LOL at his new trick - I think it's very cute and kinda resourceful too!!! Every dog should know that one - although Chloe and Sasha's beds are so big - I'd hate to even imagine how they would move them :( It would take them all night LOL.

Maybe if you resize your photo they may allow you to upload them? I generally open my pics in Paint, do a quick resize and then usually they are okay. The limit for each post is about 200k which isn't much and is too small for normal photos taken off a camera usually.

Anyway, do give it a try - I'm sure we are all dying to see this little guy who's been through so much so we can fuss and adore all over him :p

Keep up the good work with him DW - fingers crossed that he continues to be well for a long, long time.

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I took some new photos last night, so I will make it my mission to get them up, they are all over 2MB for some reason... not sure that I have paint, but will figure it out :p

Diesey's bed is quite big too :lol: he walks backwards up the stairs dragging it behind him, I want to video it, we just say 'get your bed Diesey' and pass him the corner and off he goes hehe

Who would have thought we could love our dogs even more, makes you appreciate them even more when they've been ill, I admire his strength, and hope that I can be half as strong as him should there ever come a time

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Unfortunately DW, there will be a time when he will require you to show strength... however, hopefully this will be a long way off... and loving him so much, I don't doubt you will have the strength to always do the right thing for your Diesel.

I agree, going through sickness with our furry ones makes you appreciate them all the more. They are only with us for a short time, and yet they teach us so many lessons... they teach us the real lessons in life.

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