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It is really impossible to tell without actually seeing the episode. There are numerous types of seizures.

Monte has everything from tonic clonics to focals. With tonic clonic seizures (grand mal) they will fall to the side, foam at the mouth, possibly urinate or defecate, spasm usually in a running type motion but sometimes just a stiffening and arching backwards and they may vocalise.

focal seizures can inlcude a variety of physical manifestations, some simialr to what you described. When Monte has a focal he can stumble like he is drunk, fall down and immediately roll over and get back up...sometimes it appears like he is choking and can't breathe. Sometimes he just stares and twitches.

Fly snapping is another seizure style.

I would recommend you not give any medication to your dog without you knowing what it was and without talking to your Vet. That is plain dangerous. Even dogs that do have mild seizxures are not neccessarily medicated.

Have your mobile ready or camcorder and video the next episode and show your Vet.

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Have your mobile ready or camcorder and video the next episode and show your Vet.

Agree very much with that. Do not give him any medication without a medical check up first. If you think he has fitted you can take them straight to the vets. He will most likely be over it by the time you get there, but he may be in the recovery phase. Definately record it though.

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