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Molly Has A Bald Spot!


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Molly is now 14 weeks old, and she has a small bald spot directly above her eye, also her eyes are weeping while she’s sleeping more than normal, but it is just clear fluid (and normal crustiness)

We took her to the vet yesterday, and he had a good look at her eyes. He said that the weeping can just be due to her immune system not being 100% yet because of her age, and he did a scraping of the bald patch to check for mites and it was all clear.

There is no scratches, it doesn’t seem to affect her, or cause any itching, and the skin doesn’t seem dry. The vet isn’t sure what could be the cause, and told us to bath her eyes in warm salty water for a while which should clear up the weeping. He also said that if we notice any other bald patches to take her in for further testing etc.

Anyone had experience in bald spots in pups, or any idea of what the cause could be? I’m pretty stressed at the moment, not knowing what it could be, and whether it’s a symptom of an underlying problem.

Any opinions or advice would be greatly appreciated!

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well it's been there for almost 2 weeks, with no change at all. Definately no scratch - the vet had a very thorough look at it, and 2 weeks ago when she was last at the vets for her vaccs he checked if her eye was scratched - and it was fine.

Not sure what it could be, since she has no other symptoms apart from that.

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i'm not sure, i'll just check with the OH. wouldn't ringworm be visible to the naked eye though, like in humans?

also, she's fully up to date with her worming.

Edited by kitty
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If the area that is bald is only small, a scraping may not neccessarily rule out demodex. Demodex usually starts around the eyes and being a pup, there is a good chance that is what it is.

Negaitve results are common with mange mites as they are hard to pick up in a scraping because they burrow down into the skin. Being near her eye and possibly being a wriggly puppy would increase the chance of an incorrect result.

Re - ringworm, no, it will not show up with a scraping. It is tested via a special light shone on it.

Edited by PugRescueSydney
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Best to call your Vet and have a chat to him over the phone. If it is mange, then it is only a light case and should clear quickly. Speak to your Vet.

All dogs have mange mites, it is only those with low immunity that have issues (such as puppies and geriatrics)

Edited by PugRescueSydney
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thanks guys :p i just read through a couple of threads, and i'm not AS worried anymore about it... obviously as long as it stays localised then it wont be a huge problem.

PRS - you said that if the area is only small that the scraping may come back with negative results, so basically if the spot doesnt get any bigger and no other spots pop up, it should clear up on its own, and our best would just be to keep her healthy (keep going on RC & BARF ) and try and keep her immune system up?

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From what I have read, there is a push for natural alternatives to assist with demodectic mange when it is only light. I have no experience in this though sorry.

Perhaps, as I said earlier, call the Vet and see what his advice is. Make sure you monitor it closely because it can be difficult to get under control if it spreads and the drugs used to treat it can be dangerous.

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ok well i rang the vet, and they said just to bathe with warm salty water, and if it gets bigger, or more bald patches come up then to go back, but otherwise it should heal naturally.

It has been there 2 weeks now, the vet has checked twice, and there seems to be no issue.

If it is ringworm the patch should get bigger, and if its mange, then it should either get worse or more spots should show up, so fingers crossed it stays the same, and eventually goes away :p

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