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Feeding Raw And Using Meals In Training- Hints Needed!


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One of my dogs works 100 times better if her meals come as treats during training. The only problem i am having is trying to maintain a raw diet while doing this as everything raw i have tried as treats is really gross and messy. I am using four legs at the moment as i don't want her on dry and worry about devon and other meats as treats providing what she needs. Any ideas/ suggestions?

Edited by Cosmolo
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It's not all raw but it is natural...I use chopped steamed chicken, 4 legs, cheese, boiled egg, raw mince, tinned salmon - if they are really mucky I use them for jackpots stored in containers whilst I train - we run to the containers together. My hands still get really disgusting so I always have an old towel on hand and some antiseptic wash in the car :laugh:

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Dried liver, dried heart, Beef/lamb Jerky, - home made of course LOL. Tiny pieces of cheese.

I give in and use kibble as treats - like junk food for my girls LOL.

When I'm feeling enthusiastic I make them liver cake - whizz up liver in the blender, add enough flour (rice flour, wheat flour, whatever) to make it into a scone-dough consistency. Add an egg and/or a spoon of minced garlic if you want to. Spread about 1cm thick on a baking sheet and cook on a low temp until quite dry. You can cut this into tiny bits and pull off finger-nail-fuls too. Keeps forever in the freezer. Can use tinned fish instead of liver, but too smelly for me!

Edited by Sandra777
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I had the same problem Cos.

I often buy cheap cuts of steak from woolies ($3-$5 for a huge piece) boil it and chop it into tiny training treats. Or I boil chicken and do the same thing. I've also recently bought some Happy Paws training treats (I got the roast chicken and fish) and they have been great so far too for those times I don't have plain cooked meat:



Edited by huski
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We've been trying to work out how we can do the same and we had the idea of getting one of those ice cube trays that makes the little ice cubes and freezing her barf into it...then she can have little frozen barf treats. Yet to try it but will let you know when we do :cheer:

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I was doing some boiled chicken but I have found my boys prefer it diced up and slow roasted ...

LOL! Your boys have taste!

My girl will eat anything so I train with bits of carrot, bits of fruit plus bits of meat/cheese etc. I still need to work out what to use for my young boy, currently am using treats but don't want to do that forever

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I feed raw and have had the same problem, I use heaps of treats in training and didn't want to load my dogs up with rubbish.

I cook up all the offal for training treats, luckily (or maybe not) my dogs dislike raw offal but are crazy for it cooked. I also search Woolies and Coles for the reduced meat to cook up.

I also make a tuna bake

A 410 tin of tune or salmon

Some chopped parsley

Four eggs

Enough flour to bind it to a cake mix consistency. You can use any type of flour

You can add garlic or grated carrot, whatever you like.

I add some parmesan cheese, freshly grated.

Pour mixture into a square cake tin or similar and bake slowly for an hour, you want to cook the crap out of it so it's rubbery.

Let cool and cut into treats the size you like.

I usually have a big cook up once a fortnight then cut up and freeze it all into containers that are easy to pull out when needed.

ice into training sized treats.

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OH come on guys get over it - cut up some meat or chicken and put it in your pocket - or buy a vest and use those pockets. Honest to god the first time is the worst and at the end of the training session if you feel grossed out - take your clothes off and throw them in the wash. If you are that worried about your clothes dedicate one pair of trackie dacks for training.

Your challenge tomorrow is to buy some chicken necks, put them in your pocket and go out training. :rofl:

What else can you use - the list is endless.....

Try some raw sweet potato

Raw pork belly cut up

Baby yoghurts (Ok I leave this in the tub)

Blood pudding (cut it up into small slices and cook in the microwave for 5 minutes, cool, put into bags and freeze so you can pull out bags as needed.

Coles and Woolworths also sell meat ends in the deli section I pay $2.98/kg

Wing tips

Chicken necks

I use a lot of dried goat

chicken gizzards






PS - we have now sourced a fruit juice place that at the end of the day we pick up a bag of pulp from - absolutely terrific and it costs us nothing.

Edited by Ptolomy
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I was doing some boiled chicken but I have found my boys prefer it diced up and slow roasted ...

LOL! Your boys have taste!

My girl will eat anything so I train with bits of carrot, bits of fruit plus bits of meat/cheese etc. I still need to work out what to use for my young boy, currently am using treats but don't want to do that forever

Maybe I shouldn't add ... not just slow roasted but marinated in honey and a little soya sauce ... and then slow roasted :):rofl:

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I was doing some boiled chicken but I have found my boys prefer it diced up and slow roasted ...

LOL! Your boys have taste!

My girl will eat anything so I train with bits of carrot, bits of fruit plus bits of meat/cheese etc. I still need to work out what to use for my young boy, currently am using treats but don't want to do that forever

Maybe I shouldn't add ... not just slow roasted but marinated in honey and a little soya sauce ... and then slow roasted :laugh::(

:love::laugh::laugh: Oh please!!! That is soo funny! :thumbsup:

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Raw meat????? yucky I am a vego and have enough issues with some of the cooked meat!

I am looking for something with a bit of weight in it for throwing! Have found something that works well but is rather bad for them (Good Os) :( Mind you they are working VERY well for them as they have never had 'junk' before! :thumbsup:

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Instant Packet tortellini Jules - I tend to partially cook the stuff and then once its cold it has a fair bit of weight behind it.

Although I am a bit lazy and on the whole just use 4 legs or bought meatballs or cheese :thumbsup: .

Edited by ness
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Heh, I've used raw meat before, but I find it really hard to throw (I get Daisy to catch her treats) as it sticks to my fingers :( On one particular occassion I went to throw her a piece of raw chicken and it stuck to my hand instead, she got so confused and had her nose to the ground determined to find it :thumbsup:

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I've had that problem too Huski!!! Sometimes for my dog the raw meat is a little too exciting. When I want her to concentrate and I'm using raw she tends to get fixated on the food rather than the training. But it's really good for recall!!!

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Heh, I've used raw meat before, but I find it really hard to throw (I get Daisy to catch her treats) as it sticks to my fingers :thumbsup: On one particular occassion I went to throw her a piece of raw chicken and it stuck to my hand instead, she got so confused and had her nose to the ground determined to find it :rolleyes:

:shrug: I've done that sooo many times :laugh:

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