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Issues With My Mum's Pack

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Hi all!

Just thought I'd come and get some opinions from the experts!


My Mum and her partner have a cockerpaniel x, male, around 6 yrs old, and a female maltese around 7 yrs old. Around 6 mths ago they adopted another male shih-tzu whos around 2.5 yrs old. They are all desexed. Mym Mum and her husband work full time but give the dogs loads of play time when they get home. The dogs sleep in the laundry.

Recently..the shihtzu is always in the face of the f maltese, constantly bailing her up, trying to hurt her and be dominant.He has not always been a dominant dog but seems to becoming more so each day. Sometimes the f tries to stand up to him.My Mum then rouses on him (when she hears it or is home) and the female gets very scared. The female has taken years to come out of her shell after being abused, and it seems she is reverting back as a result of the shihtzu's behaviour.

He is also an attention hog and demands that he always be pat and get the attenti...he jumps up on my mum, all over the others until they get so sick of trying to get attention they just wander away.

He also tries to hog all their food and the female malt has to be separates so she stands a chance at getting fed.

My thoughts with the feeding is that he should be the one separated not the female during dinner time.

Also he should bve COMPLETELY ignored untl he has settled right down, before he getsw ANY kind of attention. Putting him on a lead and having him tethered until he settles down, then giving him a reward and attention, AFTER the others have had theirs.

The only thing I don't know what to suggest is in regards to the way he is with the older malt female. She doesnt get any rest and he is always in her face.

Sorry for the long post but any ideas would be fantastic.

Cheers!! :)

Edited by wildstorm
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Is it possible to keep the shitzu separate from the maltese so that she gets some time free from him? Management of their time together to stop any escalation of the problem when they are together is important. Have you looked at the Triangle of Temptation - it's a sticky at the top of the training thread. Feed them all separately and don't let him in until they've all finished feeding and remove any bowls before he comes in. Have you looked at NILIF - nothing in life is free - along the lines of what you are NILIFsuggesting for the shitzu. Your f maltese may also be reacting to your mother's tone of voice and body language when she disciplines the shitzu, especially if the two dogs are together when she is rousing on him. She doesn't realise that it is directed at the male not her.

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New dog into a pack. It can take an older dog approx 3 months to settle fully into a new pack. He is now feeling he is top dog.

The shitsu needs to see that your mum is in charge and should listen and back off just by voice. Perhaps your mum needs to take the shitsu and have some training lessons with someone local who can offer direct help. Mum and Partner should be putting all three dogs on lead and taking them for brisk walks. This is a great way to define the role order to all dogs. You are in charge and the dogs will be happy to follow and work together.

Feed all three dogs together with Mum taking charge and ensuring that all dogs eat from their own bowls. Any food not eaten should be picked up and removed. As far as toys go, all toys are the property of your Mum and she lets the dogs play with them, she can choose to remove a toy or tell of any pocessive behaviour on behalf of the dog.

If the Shitsu is trying to force attention from the humans in the family they should push the dog away and ignore until he shows that he is relaxed and calm. Then they can invite him over for a cuddle. The human can choose who they wish to cuddle, and for how long.

Your mum can ignore any behaviour they dislike and shun whichever dog they are not happy with. The dog will soon realise he needs to adapt his behaviour to be accepted.

Hate to say it but generally trouble within the pack is usually caused by the humans trying to add too much human emotion into the equation. A dog that has been abused can easily move on and forget their problems if the humans dont try to overcompensate.

Best wishes in your families pack.

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