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This Is What The Dobes Were Bred To Do ;-)

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When I was in Europe I went to see a training camp that some people organised for their dogs.

There were about 50 dogs and 4 decoys, and they were all training for schutzhund.

The camp was for 3 full days and the group stayed at motel that had heaps of room for dog training and even tracking.

I got a demo of what a nice dobie can do, she was awesome, she has IPOII title, bred, owned, trained and handled by someone that I have been emailing with for about 6 years.

The owner is a 27 yo woman, and this bitch was from her first ever litter, she is about 6 yo now and just had a litter.

The excercise was that there is a "bad man" driving a car. The handler yells "stop the car or I send the dog". The bad man shoots the gun through the open window and the handler sends the dog.

The dog jumps into the car and the bad man tries to escape, the dog captures the man outside the car.

It is an absolutly spectacular stuff, and the funniest part was that the decoy couldnt open the door to escape so he had to fight this dog in the car first while trying to open the door :thumbsup:

I will add that this bitch is also a show champion.







more to come

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I'd need a change of pants after that :)

:laugh: nah, she is a good dog :rofl:

this was interesting - they call it little street, this is when they put all the dogs in two rows, psyche them up and send the decoy running throught the middle


or when they had 3 pitbulls and a bandog, trained to work together and they send them onto the decoy together. Unfortunatelly I dont have a pic, only of the two dogs, they were both entire males.



I will add - all these dogs were family pets.

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What a stunning dog - both from an aesthetic point of view as well as from a performance point of view!

I think the decoys deserve a big round of applause as well :).

Stunning work on all counts.

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When I was in East Timor (Army deployment), we had a demo by one of the handler-dog teams and a decoy as it was too wet and muddy to do anything else. Brilliant, brilliant stuff - I got it on video and included it in a DVD I gave to all the unit members who went. I edited the demo into a 3 minute story board and backed it with Frank Sinatra singing "I've got you under my skin" :)

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There was a Czech girl there too training to be decoy. She was BRILLIANT!!!!!!!!

Little woman with a lot of character and obviously a lot of strenght, she did dog after dog on a hot day.

One of the decoys had an accident on the first day and cut his hand really bad so he couldnt work the dogs, the other 3 had to take his workload and the girl was first one to take any dog on. She would have been about 160cm tall. Ill try to find her pic.

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Found one - Here is young Petra

Completely irrelevant to anything, but I'm curious ..... what's with the horizontal pole in the background?

As for Petra .... her face looks so calm and as though there is no effort. I think only her eyebrows give anything away.

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Erny - it was a soccer field I think its the top part of the goal.

As to me importing a dog, yeah if and when I win lotto :)

In all seriousness, if I had the room I would order one yesterday, but I dont have the room, nor the money.

However.... the bitch in the pics has a daughter (brown) The daughter is only young about 15 months, and showing even better potential.

I also have seen a male that I wanted to take home and said that if those two have pupps I want one.

Both owners were there and spoke about it and said that maybe in about 4 years time they would do this breeding.

So by then I have to get a farm and lots of money :rofl:

Let me dream..............

For now I have this fruitloop :laugh: she is nice and likes being trained. Lets see if she can do anything....post-3337-1244516758_thumb.jpg

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Great pics :)

You lucky thing, getting to see all that in person!

Though funny you calling that girl decoy little :laugh: She is quite a bit taller than me :rofl: Would have been really funny if I had pics from the few times I was a decoy - one time it was a Rotty!

When do I get to see your latest addition?

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Kavik she was not extreme :rofl: she was little, I towered above her. Than again I tower above most anyway :)

My newest addition - hmmm, at show, at training, visit my place?

or here is pic :laugh:


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