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Runny Poop Is Annoying

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Well last Saturday Shyla started having soft pudding poo, which was unusual as the 4 weeks I have had her prior she had 100% perfect solid poo.

I got her onto boiled rice and chicken, and they seemed to firm up by Monday, but then at 1am Monday night she wanted to go out and had the squirts :) Over the next day they got a bit better, so I got excited when she did some firm ones again, thinking YAY they are gone, but we had more pudding later in the week :rofl: Its so annoying!! Today she just built up to another proper firm one this arvo, yay, but I don't want to get my hopes up.

I sprinkle her Eagle Pack bikkies through the chicken and rice, and I am wondering when I should increase the amount of bikkies/decrease the chicken and rice?? Should I leave it 3 or 4 days and then try? Im worried I'll flare it up again if I add too much bikkies in too soon.

I'm over boiling chicken and rice :thumbsup:

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When you change her over from chicken and rice to biscuits you have to do it gradually. I used to go 3/4 chicken and rice with 1/4 biscuits, then half and half then so on. If you just give her a few biscuits in the chicken and rice one meal and then switch her completely back to biscuits you could upset her stomach again. You might already be doing this? Have you gone to the vets? It seems like an awful long time to have runny poos the poor love. She isn't maybe getting into something that doesn't agree with her?

Tell me about over boiling chicken and rice! It can get so annoying. We had the added problem where Bom would just turn his nose up at normal food because he wanted chicken and rice all the time :thumbsup::)

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Eagle Pack is has a fairly high fat content and fat can aggrevate the problem.

Perhaps try giving the boring old chicken and rice for 4-5 days before switching back to the normal food OR consider feeding Dr.Billinghurst BARF diet after the 4-5th day.

I have had very good results with the Rabbit variety and it didn't aggrevate an already upset tummy.

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