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Trixie Possibly Has Cancer


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Trixie had her op on Monday. Ivan had a lump removed at the same time. The whole lot with pathology on the lumps came to $1450. That was the best we could find locally and it involved shopping around and eventually asking the vet to match another price from a not local vet. [sorry Stormie :rofl:]

I got quite a surprise when I saw the amount of skin and tissue they removed, but I guess it's better to take too much than not enough. She's a lot better today than she was yesterday and on Monday night. She's still a bit slow on her feet but perks right up when there's a chance of food. I swear she's putting on about 95% of the woe is me act! :rofl:


I've no pics of Ivan's scar cause it's on his bumhole! I do have this buckethead phone pic though. Did someone say chicken? :rofl:


ETA We won't have the test results back for a few days.

Edited by ruthless
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Jake had a lump removed from his foot area last November and one from his leg at the same time. Cost me around $750 including pathology for the foot lump. Unfortunately we had problems with the wound closing which involved another GA, so the whole thing with AB's etc came to somewhat over $1000k.

That has been enough for me to take out pet insurance for any future non-related issues (obviously you have exclusions for pre-existing conditions) but that was warning enough!!!

Luckily it was a histiocytoma (benign) as they had difficulty getting clear enough margins.

He still has scars on his foot and his front leg where the warty lump came off but then again he doesn't have much hair on the leg.

His modelling career is over before it started though, particularly since then a cat bit through his ear and he has scars from that too, starting to look like Al Pacino :rofl:

Hope the Path comes back clear Ruth.

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Poor Trixie :rofl: .

My golden retriever mix, Honey had a little lump removed fom her left rear leg outside her knee a couple of months ago. From looking at it my vet did not think it was cancer, but once it was removedhe said it looed "ugly undeneath." When report came back---mast celltumor, bu the edges were clean. He had gotten it all.

However, including the histopath report, our bill was jst a ta over$300. But we did have to add a little more to get antibiotics when she bused the insiicion open and had this gaping hole in her leg. But she s al healed now with a tny ara o no fur on her leg. However, her fur is so long you don't even notice it unless looking for it.

It is better to get the bumps removed and teted if there is any doubt at all. I hope your girl is cancer free.

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Trixie had her op on Monday. Ivan had a lump removed at the same time. The whole lot with pathology on the lumps came to $1450. That was the best we could find locally and it involved shopping around and eventually asking the vet to match another price from a not local vet. [sorry Stormie :rofl:]

I got quite a surprise when I saw the amount of skin and tissue they removed, but I guess it's better to take too much than not enough. She's a lot better today than she was yesterday and on Monday night. She's still a bit slow on her feet but perks right up when there's a chance of food. I swear she's putting on about 95% of the woe is me act! :love:

Oh my gosh! That must have been a shock for you to see!

I think she's perfectly entitled to put on any kind of act :rolleyes: . In my expert opinion (as a qualified dog spoiler), I would prescribe lots of kisses and plenty of tasty treats :laugh:

Hope she feels better soon, the big snuggly baby :rofl:

Oh, can you let us know what the test results say?


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I just brought Ivan and Trixie for a check up to see how their wounds were healing. The results were in too. Ivan's was benign :( Trixie's was a Grade Two Mass Cell Tumor, but they're confident that they removed it all :wave:

So, clean bill of health for now, although the vet said we need to have Trixie checked regularly to make sure it doesn't come back.

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I just brought Ivan and Trixie for a check up to see how their wounds were healing. The results were in too. Ivan's was benign :confused: Trixie's was a Grade Two Mass Cell Tumor, but they're confident that they removed it all :eek:

So, clean bill of health for now, although the vet said we need to have Trixie checked regularly to make sure it doesn't come back.

They're confident? OR the pathologist examined the margins and noted they were clean?

Just check on it at suture removal for your own piece of mind, you paid for it so if they didn't request a surgical margins check you still can. :rofl:



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