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Vet Medication Charges


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"Sleep dentist" Raz?? Sounds too good to be true!! :thumbsup:

hey he's in Sydney, Schnauzer. The drugs were great! I was so off my head I didnt care how much he charged :clap:

Well worth it I would say.

Nothing like not knowing whats going on. :clap::scold::rofl::rofl:

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Hey guys. I see where I think Poodle3081 is coming from. I don't think Poodle3081 deserves the sarcasm nor ridicule that's crept into this thread here and there. I don't necessarily agree with all the posts made on the subject, but I do at least recognise the point she(?)'s trying to make. And I don't think that's about just any mark-up on the drugs deployed, but on mark-ups that might be obscenely ridiculous.

But Poodle3081 - that is EVERY business owner's prerogative to do. And it is what business competition is about. It is life. The places that are obscenely ridiculous will suffer as consumers will go elsewhere. That's what consumer competition is about. I buy many products of differing kinds and relating to different things. I am often surprised by the mark-up on them by comparison to their true costs. But that IS exactly what business is about. Not every business is the same. So it is a matter of shopping around. But do expect there to be a considerable mark up. I can only imagine some of the hidden expenses to a Vet. Initial out-lay and holding costs. Insurance costs for drugs on premises. Time spent in ordering and dispensing. And so on and so forth.

Edited by Erny
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Thanks Raz, will keep the link. :thumbsup:

Erny, I agree with your post. Every business needs to make a profit to survive in these difficult times.

It is ones perogative to go elsewhere if they don't agree with certain procedures in a vet practice.

My own vet has stayed open for an extra 45 minutes after closing whilst I rushed an ill dog there - for me personally, that is worth every cent of any mark up on drugs.

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Hey guys. I see where I think Poodle3081 is coming from. I don't think Poodle3081 deserves the sarcasm nor ridicule that's crept into this thread here and there. I don't necessarily agree with all the posts made on the subject, but I do at least recognise the point she(?)'s trying to make. And I don't think that's about just any mark-up on the drugs deployed, but on mark-ups that might be obscenely ridiculous.

But Poodle3081 - that is EVERY business owner's prerogative to do. And it is what business competition is about. It is life. The places that are obscenely ridiculous will suffer as consumers will go elsewhere. That's what consumer competition is about. I buy many products of differing kinds and relating to different things. I am often surprised by the mark-up on them by comparison to their true costs. But that IS exactly what business is about. Not every business is the same. So it is a matter of shopping around. But do expect there to be a considerable mark up. I can only imagine some of the hidden expenses to a Vet. Initial out-lay and holding costs. Insurance costs for drugs on premises. Time spent in ordering and dispensing. And so on and so forth.

One of the more logical replies and I am glad you put ? against she. I have been labeled a dog groomer, a woman and a few other names. I am a male and not a dog groomer and the rest are subjective judgments. I take your point about the ability to mark up and it is up to those that see it as an injustice to make others aware. How would we know bank profits if they did not have to report them. You are right, public pressure will help but it is not easy in close knit professions. I started a successful business because I was motivated by excessive pricing. We drove the price down to the point where the distributors refused to supply us as the competition complained. We then sourced goods from overseas and have continued to keep prices low.

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See, I don't agree that pushing prices down is always necessarily a good thing - for the business proprietor nor for the Country's economy as a whole. When they are pushed down to a point where it becomes unprofitable and/or what little profit there might be isn't worth it, business ends up going OS. But that would be a whole other argument/debate.

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We then sourced goods from overseas and have continued to keep prices low.

Well I for one wouldnt buy your products. I support Australian companies where ever possible.

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I also support Australian and specifically Western Australian businesses where possible. If you supplied an imported product for half the price, I would buy the Australian twice the price product every time without fail.

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We then sourced goods from overseas and have continued to keep prices low.

Well I for one wouldnt buy your products. I support Australian companies where ever possible.

Raz, you are in for a big shock once you finally find out who you are dealing with.

Better throw-out all the items in your house that have made in China on them. If you say you only support Australian companies.

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We then sourced goods from overseas and have continued to keep prices low.

Well I for one wouldnt buy your products. I support Australian companies where ever possible.

Raz, you are in for a big shock once you finally find out who you are dealing with.

Ohh look out Raz. I bet you are shaking in your boots. :thumbsup:

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Better throw-out all the items in your house that have made in China on them. If you say you only support Australian companies.

Please learn2read. I didnt say I ONLY support Australian products - I said I buy them when ever possible, Man.

The truth always rules in the end and this thread is a great example. Poodie has to outsource to be able to undercut other suppliers of whatever product he sells, and he has the shits because he cant mark up as much as vets do in order to keep their businesses afloat. Well Well.

What is the product by the way, where do you buy it from and what's your profit margin, if you dont mind me asking?

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If you think that all vets are too expensive for you, the (here comes the old chestnut), don't get a pet.

:thumbsup::clap::clap: That's a novel approach, Paula. I was thinking exactly the same thing.

So owning and caring for an animal should be a privilege only offered to the wealthy? The pensioner who lives from one pension cheque to the next isn't entitled to the company of a pet because they can't afford the inflated medication charges that vets think are their due "because they have a university degree"?

We are not arguing here about the consultation fees of vets and vet specialists. They should be (and are) on par with GPs and specialist medical practitioners. We are debating the justification of charging inflated prices for medication simply to shore up the bottom line. If nothing else this leaves vets wide open to accusations of over medicating our pets.

If some vets can't make the living they aspire to by such back-door methods, perhaps they should think of getting out of the business. After all, at least in the cities, there seems to be more vets than GPs.

Unfortunatey Mum to Emma this has been stated several times and they just done get it. Charge the true cost of the service, I have said this numerous times. I do not have a problem with vet bills, and was about to have my dogs cateracts removed costing $4000. I had the total costing of the procedure prior and the drugs were a minor component.

You failed to comment on the people who have a consultation, and then return for repeat prescriptions. Why should Joe Blow pay more for his consult, to pay for the many clients that come back each month to stock up on arthritis treatments, or their atopy meds? We have the mark up on the drugs, to keep the consult fee down. As has been said before, not everyone that comes in for a consult goes away with drugs!!

Actually, 9 times out of 10 you do!

If vets didn't dispense medications (or couldn't - as apparently is the case in the UK? Pls correct me if I'm wrong) in the same way that GPs can't, they would be justified in charging a higher consultation fee.

Why do you think it is that GP's can't sell you medication themselves? Because they would be seen to be profiting from dispensing often unjustified medicines. This means that we only take medicine when it is necessary.

Of course this doesn't apply to all vets, and probably only a small number of rogue money-hungry ones, but it is the duty of the Australian Veterinary Association to protect patients (of the four legged kind) from profiteering practices who tip their scales in favour of money over animal welfare.

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We then sourced goods from overseas and have continued to keep prices low.

Well I for one wouldnt buy your products. I support Australian companies where ever possible.

Again you jump to conclusions without knowing the facts. The product I was buying was from an Australian distributor and manufactured overseas. I ended up going to another supplier overseas. The products we sell are mainly to businesses and I am sure they are gratefull we have put downward pressure in the market.

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it is the duty of the Australian Veterinary Association to protect patients (of the four legged kind) from profiteering practices who tip their scales in favour of money over animal welfare.

AVA only has control over paid up members. More than 2/3 of the vets in this country refuse to join that organisation. So here's another novel approach - only use the services of an AVA member. Goodluck finding one.

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We then sourced goods from overseas and have continued to keep prices low.

Well I for one wouldnt buy your products. I support Australian companies where ever possible.

Raz the joke might be on you. You probably have purchased a product supplied by me.

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We then sourced goods from overseas and have continued to keep prices low.

Well I for one wouldnt buy your products. I support Australian companies where ever possible.

Raz the joke might be on you. You probably have purchased a product supplied by me.

Everyone buys bread :thumbsup::clap::clap::scold::rofl:

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it is the duty of the Australian Veterinary Association to protect patients (of the four legged kind) from profiteering practices who tip their scales in favour of money over animal welfare.

AVA only has control over paid up members. More than 2/3 of the vets in this country refuse to join that organisation. So here's another novel approach - only use the services of an AVA member. Goodluck finding one.

That's interesting. I wonder why? Because vets don't like being told what to do? Perhaps because the AVA doesn't approve of hidden charges and supports full cost disclosure?

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