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Puppy Socialisation Do's And Dont's


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I have read the stickied threads and while suggestions about socialising on them are helpful there is no clear answer on what you can and cant do when the puppy is between 8-12 weeks in regards to socialising. I know some will suggest to wrap the puppy in cotton wool until its fully vaccinated, but I believe socialisation is much more important.

I would love to know what methods people took to socialise their pups in their time, any tips they could give on what you can and cant do in this period..

a few particular questions I wouldn't mind answered myself is

- what is the parvo status like in Brisbane?

- is it safe to carry a pup around parks frequented by onlead dogs (for example the newfarm park ((not the dog park there but the giant park where all the bbq's are)) in brisbane)?

- is it safe to walk the puppy on footpaths/sidewalks ?

- where would you suggest taking the puppy to socialise it better?

- does a puppy need much contact with dogs in the 8-12 week period, or can they just observe the dogs around them without sniffing/touching them?

- would it be too dangerous to let a puppy toilet on the grass in public?

- is it safer to carry a puppy in your arms around during socialising, does it make a difference, reduce the chances of contracting a virus?

Anyone else who has questions about socialising their puppies are also welcome to use this thread to get their questions answered :laugh:

Everyone's opinion is welcome :laugh:

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- what is the parvo status like in Brisbane?

sorry, i have no idea.. i don't live in Brissy

- is it safe to carry a pup around parks frequented by onlead dogs (for example the newfarm park ((not the dog park there but the giant park where all the bbq's are)) in brisbane)?

well, i took my pup to the (non dog) park before his second vac. i realise that you get away bringing puppies to non dogs area, as long as they are still a pup and you are carrying them.

- is it safe to walk the puppy on footpaths/sidewalks ?

i did this with Charlie... but, i also know the area and know that not a lot of dogs are walked there. and, the people in my neighbourhood that has dogs really take care and look after their dogs.

- where would you suggest taking the puppy to socialise it better?

EVERYWHERE!! i take my pup to the supermarket, sport stadiums, car rides, visiting friend... they get use of the sounds, the busyness, people, other animals... he is a very well behave puppy now (yes, little bragging here.. LOL)

- does a puppy need much contact with dogs in the 8-12 week period, or can they just observe the dogs around them without sniffing/touching them?

umm.. as long as you know their dogs have been vaccinated. then it's fine. charlie was romping around with my dad's dogs from the day we got him. also, my friends bought their dogs over to play with charlie when i first got him too.

- would it be too dangerous to let a puppy toilet on the grass in public?

no. but, it's dangerous not to pick up their poop afterwards.. :laugh:

- is it safer to carry a puppy in your arms around during socialising, does it make a difference, reduce the chances of contracting a virus?

i don't think it makes a difference... i let my pup wonder around because it gets to hot carrying him all the time.. for me and for him too.

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