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Talk To Me About Heart Murmurs


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Yup, we're very happy that we were able to get an appt so quickly and at a time that works perfectly for us. I'm sure she's going to be fine, but like redangel, I want to know and be informed!

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Wohoo! Just heard from Hubby and MatildaLily has passed her exam :thumbsup:

Vet says she sees no deformities or anything that would concern her. She did say Til has some "backwash" in three valves, but that all of her bits and bobs are well within normal parameters so she isn't concerned. No meds. Does want us to keep an eye on her and have the local vet listen to it now and again just to make sure there are no changes. But Perth vet is very happy with Til's health (bar those few extra kilos!)

Woohooo - so happy!

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My old Dobe had a heart murmer for three and a half years (was aged) and did not have medication and was fine, no problems with fluid etc.

Our Stafford was diagnosed with a grade 3 heart murmer at 10 and a half, 2 weeks after losing my young Dobe to Dilated Cardio myopathy(You can imagine I was just a little freaked out!) and whilst we didn't start medication straight away within a short time he was coughing so we did. He now had a grade 4 murmer is on daily Fortekor and 3 times daily fluid tablets. While he is on this he is great and quite energetic for an old fella. We always though he was just slowing down as he was getting older, but after starting medication he started playing tug again and runnign around asking for a game!

He turns 12 tomorrow and he is still going well with no need to increase or change medication as yet. It costs up about $170 every 5 or 6 weeks I think ( don't keep track, just get tablets as needed, cause I don't really want to know!) and we hope he keeps going happily for a while yet.

Great to hear your girl is okay, she may be like my Old Dobe and yes have a clinical heart murmer, but it may be asymptomatic and cause no problems.

Good Luck :thumbsup:

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