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Problems With My Shih-tzu

Set In Stone

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i said Not Yet i will when she gets older And when i am ready for that.

well you better keep her in a better confined area. Unless your backyard is a fully enclosed chain mesh run, the more seasons she has and trotters that lovely bitch in heat smell all over your front yard is a calling card for roaming entire dogs.

Unless your bitch in heat is in a crate in the house or attached to you on a leash she is not 'safe'. If you're not going to breed you should be desexing instead of driving your male crazy every 6 months as well - interesting how you didnt have an issue desexing the male.

The dog has skin and coat issues from the diet, thats blatantly obvious and again the vets didnt even look at diet as being the cause. Desexing wont really make that much of a difference to the diet but keep your girl safe from pregnancy or attracting random entire males to your property. Just hope a rather large breed male doesnt get into your yard.

Well for Starters

The Male is De Sexed as he is a older dog and really Belongs to MIL but we look after him a lot etc

i Don't know when i will de sex her Maybe when she is like 3 years old etc but really that is my concern why take away her ovaries cause you all have issue's with it? and i don't know if i will Breed her Yet, But the Thing is i know the Risks/ Concerns about not De Sexing her etc But My Vet Advised not getting her done Just yet and i told him My Plans so he is happy with that :thumbsup:

Every time we go for walks she is on the lead etc (of course not while in season) and at night she is in a crate

As far as Fencing goes we have a 6 foot secure fencing around the Front and Back of the Yard and no one can get in unless they are let in etc We have had Strays come here before she was in season and even then they couldn't get in :)

And My dog Runs the House all day and goes to the Backyard when she is needing to go to the Toilet etc and crated at night

And there is always someone Home that be either myself or My Husband etc and she is always with us when not going to the Toilet or Eating

and she hasn't scratched once today since the change of diet so all is going well so far :)

Take Care


Edited by TinkerBell2009a
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As far as Fencing goes we have a 6 foot secure fencing around the Front and Back of the Yard and no one can get in unless they are let in etc We have had Strays come here before she was in season and even then they couldn't get in

Your dog was not in full season yet. 6 foot fencing is nothing, every pound in australia has dogs that are there because they scale fences bigger then that. You have too much faith in the safety of your yard.

As for your plans I hope that doesnt include one cute little litter of puppies before you have her desexed. I dont buy the 'waiting' game unless you have good reasons and frankly my gut says your tempted for her to have pups.

You can have her desexed and leave one ovary in. No chance of pregnancy but she still has some hormones.

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As far as Fencing goes we have a 6 foot secure fencing around the Front and Back of the Yard and no one can get in unless they are let in etc We have had Strays come here before she was in season and even then they couldn't get in

Your dog was not in full season yet. 6 foot fencing is nothing, every pound in australia has dogs that are there because they scale fences bigger then that. You have too much faith in the safety of your yard.

As for your plans I hope that doesnt include one cute little litter of puppies before you have her desexed. I dont buy the 'waiting' game unless you have good reasons and frankly my gut says your tempted for her to have pups.

You can have her desexed and leave one ovary in. No chance of pregnancy but she still has some hormones.

well The Whole 7 years we have been here in our 6 foot Fence , we haven't had one dog scale the Fence and now that she is in season you would think this would happen now right? But have had nothing Happen Like that at all. Plus either my Husband and i always with her. Plus if they did scale the Yard they would not be getting in side from the back or front door since we have a glass sliding door and when ever she goes out we go with her so she is watched etc

So Thanks for your Concern but we are Quiet Fit to LOOK after her and have since she was a baby :rofl:

And if you read above i was talking to my vet and told him about the change of diet etc But he told me he still doesn't believe it was her Diet as that was Fine he thinks it something more Hormonal or Air Borne with the plants etc

And also Said i should wait to de sex her and i said i was plan on doing it at 3 years and why do i need to tell you what my plans are with MY dog? i said i don't know if i will breed her and if i do well then so be it if not she will be de sexed Its Our Choice and Plus there are other Reasons but i do not feel the need to have to Explain and Justify myself to you.

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i said i don't know if i will breed her and if i do well then so be it if not she will be de sexed Its Our Choice and Plus there are other Reasons but i do not feel the need to have to Explain and Justify myself to you.

because we dont support puppy farmers and backyard breeders here. This is a forum about education not about you deciding its YOUR dog and you want a litter because its cute. You have an unregistered dog, and you want our help yet you dont understand the ethics of the people who give you advice. I knew you wanted a litter from her from your first post it just took this long for you to spill the beans - we're not stupid and dont treat us as such.

we haven't had one dog scale the Fence and now that she is in season you would think this would happen now right?

Its like if I put a $1000 on the other side of a 6 foot fence .... now you have a reason to scale it and get it ... its not rocket science.

And if you read above i was talking to my vet and told him about the change of diet etc But he told me he still doesn't believe it was her Diet as that was Fine he thinks it something more Hormonal or Air Borne with the plants etc

your vet has no clue frankly taking any of his advice is rediculous. If he thinks the diet you are feeding her on was fine he needs to rethink his veterinary degree.

Edited by Nekhbet
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Tinkerbell - breeding is something that is actually quite risky, and very very expensive, From your comments I assume that you didn't originally bought your girl with that in mind - which makes breeding even more problematic, as you don't know what the genetic history is, what the health issue are (esp in your girl's line) etc.

Also, from my limited understanding of smaller breeds, there are often complications in either the pregnancy or the whelping in many of these that often require vet intervention (such as a ceaser, just to start with). So while I understand that you feel that its no-one business, all the people here are doing is trying to let you know that breeding is actually a very involved and difficult process.

If your heart is set on being a breeder, the correct and ethical thing to do is be registered with your local state canine authority, and adhere to the ethics and guidelines set as part of this registration. The only reason for breeding is to improve the standard of your breed, so you will need to become very familar with that (btw - if you do everything that is actually required in terms of vet checks, health testing, stud fees, other vet fees, buying equipment, taking time off work etc etc, having puppies DOES NOT make you rich!!LOL).

This is only the start though - you will need to do a lot of reading and research, and talk to other breeders - educate yourself, and others in your family. Its advisable to have an older (also registered and ethical!) breeder mentor you, and the whole process is very stressful - for all concerned.

Once you have decided that you really, really want to do this, then you have to decide if your girl is best served by being your 'foundation bitch". Can you confirm her lines? Is she registered? Unless you can do these (just to start with) then I would look for another girl to breed with.

Finally, please, please - do not ignore the advice on this forum and decide to 'just breed' anyway. There are thousands of puppies in pounds that are the end result of back yard breeding, with all kinds of health problems, and no-one who wants them. It is very important that you decide to be responsible and do what is right - not what is easy.

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i have had since she was 5 weeks old as the breeder wasn't going to keep them any longer (yes she was a puppy farmer but i feel in love with her so i bought her i know i shouldn't have but i did)

Somehow doesnt look like any papers or quality lines here.

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And if you read above i was talking to my vet and told him about the change of diet etc But he told me he still doesn't believe it was her Diet as that was Fine he thinks it something more Hormonal or Air Borne with the plants etc

Wow if that's the cause I'm quite shocked the vet thought the crap you were feeding her was ok :rofl:

Dogs can definitely have allergies to things other than food but with a diet like the one you are feeding her it would be the first thing I would change to see if it made any difference to her skin/rashes etc.

And I'm not surprised about the breeding thing either, could see that coming from a mile off! There should absolutely be no doubt in your mind that this dog is not fit to breed from - in your own words she came from a puppy farmer!

Edited by huski
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i said i don't know if i will breed her and if i do well then so be it if not she will be de sexed Its Our Choice and Plus there are other Reasons but i do not feel the need to have to Explain and Justify myself to you.

because we dont support puppy farmers and backyard breeders here. This is a forum about education not about you deciding its YOUR dog and you want a litter because its cute. You have an unregistered dog, and you want our help yet you dont understand the ethics of the people who give you advice. I knew you wanted a litter from her from your first post it just took this long for you to spill the beans - we're not stupid and dont treat us as such.

we haven't had one dog scale the Fence and now that she is in season you would think this would happen now right?

Its like if I put a $1000 on the other side of a 6 foot fence .... now you have a reason to scale it and get it ... its not rocket science.

And if you read above i was talking to my vet and told him about the change of diet etc But he told me he still doesn't believe it was her Diet as that was Fine he thinks it something more Hormonal or Air Borne with the plants etc

your vet has no clue frankly taking any of his advice is rediculous. If he thinks the diet you are feeding her on was fine he needs to rethink his veterinary degree.

First of all i said i don't know if i will breed her i have chosen yet now have i? i said if i chose to it will be one litter so i can keep a pup my self and de sex her it is Just like that OK?

Nor am i a Puppy Farmer or a Back Yard Breeder now am i? nor will i ever be!

i Asked for Advise on her Diet and Training and the De Sexing was Shoved down my Throat i never asked for that Advise but like i said i am undecided what i will do just Yet.

I took the Advise Under consideration and i don't know just yet now do i? or i would be saying Yep 100% i am going to breed her over and over to make $$$$$ that is a puppy farmer and back yard breeder, Don't even suggest we are the same.

I never said you we're all stupid or treated u as such like i said i wanted advise on diet and training etc not about de sexing on my dog but you try to shove this down my throat from day 1 .. like i said its my choice that i still don't know about just yet now do i?

And i just got one bit of advise for you! i said her breeder was a BYB she is and a unethical registered breeder and my Pup has papers too thank you so for your information she is a registered pup!! So what are you going to say now?

And if you think you knew i planned to mate her from my first Post .. WOW you must be amazing cause even i don't know what i am doing just yet now do i? but if you can see the future you should go into Business lol

if the DOG so called would scale the fence that hasn't in the 7 years i have been here .. how are they going to break down or through my glass door? they can't! and like i said she is with us all the time when we go out side never mroe then 3 steps away.. and i am always mindful of her in the yard alone so i am always with her etc

My Vet said her diet was fine! and nothing to do with what i was feeding her , and asked everything i was feeding her again and told me her diet was fine before but i told him the diet has helped some so he said well keep it to that then but still says it to do with Hormonal changes and Air Borne Problems such as plants we have etc

I took Advise to change Diet and Training ethics but really i wanted some advised not to be grilled at all, but you are not being very helpful now are you. no wonder some people are wary of joining this site if this is the treatment they get.

So are you saying my Vet that has Worked there 22 years is a complete fool? i would like to see what 'degree' you have and true advise to others etc

But thank you to the real people that helped me .. you know who you are :rofl:


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i have had since she was 5 weeks old as the breeder wasn't going to keep them any longer (yes she was a puppy farmer but i feel in love with her so i bought her i know i shouldn't have but i did)

Somehow doesnt look like any papers or quality lines here.

WRONG SHE HAS PAPERS but i got her at 5 weeks cause she got milk fever and didn't want the hassle anymore so i took her and she sent me the papers once the littler was registered.

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OK- and why would you breed from an unethical breeder's dog?

A unethical breeder may not have checked for hereditary conditions.your girl may be carrying some fault which could be passed on .

AS for the vet giving diet advice- well... a lot of people DO think feeding lots of colourings etc is fine... same as parents do with children.

Vets study long and hard- however they are still only human, and can be misinformed, the same as anyone else :rofl:

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you are a backyard breeder - unless you plan to register her with the ANKC, have a breeders prefix and register your own kennel you are a backyard breeder. Fact of life. Just because you have a dog with papers does not make you eithical in any way shape or form. Your dog may be a carrier of genetic problems, have her own genetic problems or not be a good breeding specimen but hey, you're a backyard breeder all you care about is the cuteness factor.

Anyone that skirts around why they dont want to desex I know will breed or at least has the idea in their head - see its called experience and knowledge.

Somehow I think now you're telling little furfies to cover ... one minute she was a puppy farmer and you knew you shouldnt have bought her and now suddenly she's a registered breeder who sent you papers .... I can drive a truck through the holes in your stories. Doesnt make a difference its still all backyard breeding.

So are you saying my Vet that has Worked there 22 years is a complete fool? i would like to see what 'degree' you have and true advise to others etc

yup completely. I have worked in the dog training and veterinary industry for quite a few years I'm also a qualified biochemist and geneticist. I know what they do for their 'veterinary' degree and many many vets do not consider diet as an allergy causing agent. He probably also thinks its a great idea to breed her does he want a pup too or does he own the prospective father?

Edited by Nekhbet
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Oh- and if you want a pup like your girl :rofl: why not look up other breeders who have the same lines, and see if they have something you like ? You can get the lines off her pedigree, and check up on what's available.

That way you won't have the worry and expense of getting your bitch in whelp, and having pups to find homes for....

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Tinkerbell - breeding is something that is actually quite risky, and very very expensive, From your comments I assume that you didn't originally bought your girl with that in mind - which makes breeding even more problematic, as you don't know what the genetic history is, what the health issue are (esp in your girl's line) etc.

Also, from my limited understanding of smaller breeds, there are often complications in either the pregnancy or the whelping in many of these that often require vet intervention (such as a ceaser, just to start with). So while I understand that you feel that its no-one business, all the people here are doing is trying to let you know that breeding is actually a very involved and difficult process.

If your heart is set on being a breeder, the correct and ethical thing to do is be registered with your local state canine authority, and adhere to the ethics and guidelines set as part of this registration. The only reason for breeding is to improve the standard of your breed, so you will need to become very familar with that (btw - if you do everything that is actually required in terms of vet checks, health testing, stud fees, other vet fees, buying equipment, taking time off work etc etc, having puppies DOES NOT make you rich!!LOL).

This is only the start though - you will need to do a lot of reading and research, and talk to other breeders - educate yourself, and others in your family. Its advisable to have an older (also registered and ethical!) breeder mentor you, and the whole process is very stressful - for all concerned.

Once you have decided that you really, really want to do this, then you have to decide if your girl is best served by being your 'foundation bitch". Can you confirm her lines? Is she registered? Unless you can do these (just to start with) then I would look for another girl to breed with.

Finally, please, please - do not ignore the advice on this forum and decide to 'just breed' anyway. There are thousands of puppies in pounds that are the end result of back yard breeding, with all kinds of health problems, and no-one who wants them. It is very important that you decide to be responsible and do what is right - not what is easy.

Thank you for all your Advise it is Very Helpful.

i have recently got in contact with a registered breeder near me that has given me advise. i am registered with the CCCQ

And if i plan to in the Future breed her i might register to be come a breeder as well but that is a future thing.

the breeder has basically told me everything you have told me. the risk of pregnancy and cost of C section if that is required and cost to the stud dog and how to care for the pups etc

and all the relevant tests etc but it is good to see someone has the same advise to a breeder i am in contact with so thank you for all the advise :laugh: she was bought first and foremost to be my best friend and baby :) but i said i don't know if i will breed her just yet i am getting advise first i don't really want to hurt my baby :rofl:

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The Breeder i am in Contact with has said she has good lines and vary few faults but she would be suited to breed with :laugh:

but i don't know just Yet i want a pup but i don't want to hurt her :rofl:

Also i am registered with the CCCQ

i said she was a BYB cause she is she has litter upon litter every couple of months and send the pups to the owners from 3 or 5 weeks and is registered and unethical BYB that is what i say and there is no hole you can think what you will.

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OK- and why would you breed from an unethical breeder's dog?

A unethical breeder may not have checked for hereditary conditions.your girl may be carrying some fault which could be passed on .

AS for the vet giving diet advice- well... a lot of people DO think feeding lots of colourings etc is fine... same as parents do with children.

Vets study long and hard- however they are still only human, and can be misinformed, the same as anyone else :rofl:

Yes i understand that but i wrote everything down what i fed her and gave it to him and he said it was fine so i presumed it was but since changed her diet so that is good :laugh:

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Oh- and if you want a pup like your girl :rofl: why not look up other breeders who have the same lines, and see if they have something you like ? You can get the lines off her pedigree, and check up on what's available.

That way you won't have the worry and expense of getting your bitch in whelp, and having pups to find homes for....

That is a good Idea! that way i don't have to hurt her either thank you :laugh:

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you are a backyard breeder - unless you plan to register her with the ANKC, have a breeders prefix and register your own kennel you are a backyard breeder. Fact of life. Just because you have a dog with papers does not make you eithical in any way shape or form. Your dog may be a carrier of genetic problems, have her own genetic problems or not be a good breeding specimen but hey, you're a backyard breeder all you care about is the cuteness factor.

Anyone that skirts around why they dont want to desex I know will breed or at least has the idea in their head - see its called experience and knowledge.

Somehow I think now you're telling little furfies to cover ... one minute she was a puppy farmer and you knew you shouldnt have bought her and now suddenly she's a registered breeder who sent you papers .... I can drive a truck through the holes in your stories. Doesnt make a difference its still all backyard breeding.

So are you saying my Vet that has Worked there 22 years is a complete fool? i would like to see what 'degree' you have and true advise to others etc

yup completely. I have worked in the dog training and veterinary industry for quite a few years I'm also a qualified biochemist and geneticist. I know what they do for their 'veterinary' degree and many many vets do not consider diet as an allergy causing agent. He probably also thinks its a great idea to breed her does he want a pup too or does he own the prospective father?

you say you are these things but if you are good on you.. but is till trust my Vet he has been good for me and tinkerbell

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