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Daisy Had Her Leg Surgery


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Thought I would update since I initially asked questions and recieved help from some posters here.

Daisy my little 6 month old Cav cross Maltese/Pom puppy had surgery for her 'wonky' front legs last Thursday. Her Ulna had prematurely stopped growing but her Radius bone still was which caused her to look a little knuckled and knobbly and also pigeon toed.

She had an Ulnar Ostectomy where the vet removed a section of her Ulna in each leg.

There was talk of her potentially needing a corrective radial osteotomy to straighten her leg/s further when she was a little older but the vet is very confident she will not need this now. Thank the lord for that because I think that operation was going to be pretty expensive!

If we had left her til she had finished growing her problems would have been much worse and way more painful and expensive to fix.

I do have to look into either changing her diet to Hills Joint Diet or using something like joint guard to help ease any potential problems with her elbow joint but basically her life expectancy/quality of life was doubled by the surgery and although my OH is grumbling about the cost he is happy she is well.


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Great news. Good luck with the rehab. Do you have a crate for her? I would get her onto a natural diet and add a supplement like Sasha's Blend. Cartrophen injections may be useful as well.

It is nearly 8 weeks since Poppy had her ulnar ostectomy and corrective radial ostectomy. She has xrays on Tuesday to see if the healing is far enough down the track so she can have her cast off and start rehab.

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Thanks puggy and persephone.

She doesn't have a cast because she only had the ulna operation (thankfully) and has been a handful since the second I picked her up!

She is meant to be quiet for the first week and then have no forced playing or excercise the second week. Naturally the first thing she did when we got home was run into the bedroom and jump onto the bed :cheer:

I popped her into her pen with her elizabethan collar on so I could go out for 20 minutes on Friday night and came home to find her on my bed again lol. She had climbed out of her pen and trashed her collar within 20 minutes :rofl:

She is very good with her bandages and stitches though and after a couple of stern "No's" has not touched them since and is being lovely to take her medication. Thankfully training has kicked in for that! I put her tablet on the ground with the "leave it" command so she gobbles it up when I tell her to "take it".

I think she knows what I'm up to now but she still humours me :rofl:

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That is a shame......a problem I have seen so many times before in Cross bred dogs, but not every owner can or will attempt the corrective surgery , and it is a very painful structural fault !

I hope your girl recovers well.

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