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Vet - Newcastle


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Hi guys -

needing some help or recommendations.

I want a really good vet in newcastle - I live in Lambton so reasonable local would be good.

I have always used the RSPCA vet facilities and have had mostly all very positive experiences. Seriously I have had amazing veterinary service from them but I would like to start with a new vet simply because I will be able to have a constant vet. When Soph got ill we saw 4 different vets in a week - all with different inital opinions and plans. They all agreed in the end and our final vet was simply incredible - if she were in private practice I would just go where she was.

I have heard Hamilton is ok?????

Edited by angelsophie
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I cannot remember what they are called but i used to take my bunny rabbit to one at Hamilton. Just over the bridge, near ALDI etc? hope you know where i mean if you don't let know and i will try to find an address. They were very good!!!

I take my pooch to one in Raymond Terrace now as we have since moved!

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I cannot remember what they are called but i used to take my bunny rabbit to one at Hamilton. Just over the bridge, near ALDI etc? hope you know where i mean if you don't let know and i will try to find an address. They were very good!!!

I take my pooch to one in Raymond Terrace now as we have since moved!

Thats the one that I have heard good things about :p

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I go to Hamilton Vets. They are open 7 days with fairly long hours so if something is wrong I don't feel bad about getting an appt. They have about 4 vets. I know a couple of people that go them and find them good.

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I've used the Hamilton vets in the past for boarding and they always treated my oldie very well. I haven't actually used them as a vet but know people who have and they always had good things to say about them. I've also used the vets at Merewether (opp Mary Ellen pub) several years ago for specialist services and they were good in there too.

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Yeah we use the Hamilton Vet Clinic for both Mort and Talin - have boarded both there as well (although Mort only a single overnight) ... we did puppy pre-school through them as well .... have had nothing but positive outcomes from all our interactions with them ..... plus they are close (we live 5 minutes down the road)

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I've used the Hamilton vets in the past for boarding and they always treated my oldie very well. I haven't actually used them as a vet but know people who have and they always had good things to say about them. I've also used the vets at Merewether (opp Mary Ellen pub) several years ago for specialist services and they were good in there too.

Hi can i have some more information about this specialist vet you are talking about?

My girl suffers from pancreatitias and i think it is time she sees someone who may be more specialised!

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We went to Hamilton today for vaccinaions and they were great :) Really nice only one minor hiccup when they asked me what my lovely pedigreed Hav was crossed with :thumbsup: Guess thats what happens when you have a rarer breed.

Thanks everyone for the lovely advice :rofl:

I did my school work experience at Merewether vet clinic way back in high school lol


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I've used the Hamilton vets in the past for boarding and they always treated my oldie very well. I haven't actually used them as a vet but know people who have and they always had good things to say about them. I've also used the vets at Merewether (opp Mary Ellen pub) several years ago for specialist services and they were good in there too.

Hi can i have some more information about this specialist vet you are talking about?

My girl suffers from pancreatitias and i think it is time she sees someone who may be more specialised!

Um this is stretching the memory as it was about 10 years ago I've just realised! All I can come up with is Chris ??? dredging the memory. He came up from Sydney about once a week. My dog had presented with a very strange problem where his front legs and back legs worked at different tempos which had the local vets stumped. Front legs went at normal speed and back legs in slow motion or vice versa, quite bizarre to watch. Eventually diagnosed as possibly meningitis and he responded to a long course of cortisone.

Ring them and see if they can help you out. Things may have changed though - I didn't really think about how long ago it was - how time flies.

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Just letting you all know that i'm taking Lizzy to a new vet today. At Lambton in Elder Street it is apparantly an all female staffed practise. I need more answers and help with my girl so i will see how they go.

Willl let you guys know if they are any good :o

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We just completed puppy preschool with Nicole from Lambton vet, Thought it was great, we're more than likely changing clinics to lambton from now on (and it was a bonus because they actually knew what my Aussie shepherd puppy was!)

Goodluck with getting some answers for Lizzy :o

Edited by Dotty_17301
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We just completed puppy preschool with Nicole from Lambton vet, Thought it was great, we're more than likely changing clinics to lambton from now on (and it was a bonus because they actually knew what my Aussie shepherd puppy was!)

Goodluck with getting some answers for Lizzy :)

Excellent thanks for telling me that :o

I have asked to see Michala Keen so they said they would put a note down for us to see her. Apprantly she is good. So fingers and toes and everything else crossed. I hope this is the change we need to help my Precious Girl!!!

Thanks for the good wishes too !!!! means alot!!!!!

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We just completed puppy preschool with Nicole from Lambton vet, Thought it was great, we're more than likely changing clinics to lambton from now on (and it was a bonus because they actually knew what my Aussie shepherd puppy was!)

Goodluck with getting some answers for Lizzy :o

I live at the Terrace so it is actually a 30 minute drive for us. But if they are good and can help i do not care one but.

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We are out at Kurri so we do a 40 minute trip - good thing the dogs are good in the car!!

Just wanted to bump this to find out how you went?

Well it is becoming so expensive..... i thought that was why i had a small dog to avoid so many expenses. I have spent thousands so far.

Well she took more blood and tested her electrolytes and kidneys etc again. Everything appears normal with that. Even her BUN was in the normal range!!

I take her back on tomorrow arvo for an ultrasound on her pancreas and i have to take a wee sample in. I'm going to ask for her CPLI test to be done again to see if it has come down!

Just hope i get her sorted and soon!

thanks for asking :)

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