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June Photography Challenge


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Can I be excused for a shot in June because my nice lens is all broke? I went for a hike over the long weekend, saw some pied cormorants and had no camera to photograph them as my 70-200 is in pieces :laugh:.

Here are a recent movement shots taken within the past month, I missed out on last month's challenge. I work full time and with a broken lens, no time for this month's challenge, but love to see everyone else's up here.

Movement (fast-ish)


and why I need a longer lens than a 70-200 - a beach stone curlew in flight


A 20 second long exposure taken last month. Before the sun rose. I left the white balance to ''as shot" in Raw as the camera's metre saw the shot as this blue and I quite liked the effect. It was very blue on the beach before dawn, I needed a torch to find my way there and then the light started to change.


Just going back to what rocco said about film, on our hike, I met an older guy - who looked like Harry Butler from ''Harry Butler in the Wild' docos I saw as a child, he was using film. I stopped to chat to him and he had the tripod out (Manfrotto :rofl: ), he had a Nikon film SLR and was affixing a screw on green filter to his camera as he was shooting some forest and lake shots in b/w film. He sells his stuff to newspapers, including the Washington Post, so still a market for film. I have only ever used point and shoot film cameras as I had no idea about photos during film years but I bought a Canon Rebel EOS film camera off ebay for under $100 last year, quite a modern one.

Edited by Ripley
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im a few days late but i will catch up with some pics i took today lol

i dont know whose dog it is but i was walking home and i just had to get the photos

i got these this morning..






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It's the month of the seagull! I think about 5 or 6 of us have got seagull photos this month!

Here are mine for today - I used to walk to this waterfall everyday since it was around the corner from my house but since we've moved, I haven't been back. Now I want to take Zero there! It was getting darker so i used a slow shutter speed (2-3.2 seconds)


I think this one is my favourite:




I still have another idea for a long exposure photo for tonight so I'll head up in a few minutes to get it.

Edited by ~*Shell*~
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It's the month of the seagull! I think about 5 or 6 of us have got seagull photos this month!

Here are mine for today - I used to walk to this waterfall everyday since it was around the corner from my house but since we've moved, I haven't been back. Now I want to take Zero there! It was getting darker so i used a slow shutter speed (2-3.2 seconds)

I think this one is my favourite:


It's mine too, I absolutely love the colour of the water in it and the eery atmosphere.

Everyone is doing so awesomely, there are some seriously superb shots here.

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It's the month of the seagull! I think about 5 or 6 of us have got seagull photos this month!

Here are mine for today - I used to walk to this waterfall everyday since it was around the corner from my house but since we've moved, I haven't been back. Now I want to take Zero there! It was getting darker so i used a slow shutter speed (2-3.2 seconds)


I think this one is my favourite:




I still have another idea for a long exposure photo for tonight so I'll head up in a few minutes to get it.

Wow Shell, they look like rivers of Icing sugar!!

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Thanks guys!

My mother saw the last one (one of the women at her work subscribes to my flickr account and feels the need to show everyone in the laboratory my work) and decided that she wants to put it on canvas and put it in our kitchen :thumbsup: . I think I might use it as a background for some editing I'm going to do for my niece's bedroom too. My niece is 3 and loves fairies (and dogs) so I'm going to crack out my graphics tablet, draw some fairies (and maybe some dogs with wings - I have a couple of pictures I've drawn for her of Zero so i could probably recreate them digitally) and then add them into the photo. I figure that it will help me to learn to use photoshop better - and since I haven't used it in months, I definitely need the practice!

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ok - havent done much motion photography - well at least have no idea how to do it (thanks for the challenge ash, the instructions are great).

Guys across the road were pouring concrete this afternoon - so decided to try and capture some of it. All happening very quickly - didnt have time to set up camera properly, nor get out the tripod.

First one shutter speed 1/125


second shutter speed 0.3 (how long exactly is that?)


would love to have been able to have had a better play with this. Will just have to hang around construction sites i guess.

Edited by jr_inoz
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