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Puppy Growls And Bites Insanely?what To Do


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Hi there

my maltese pup has started growling for some time now, followed by insane biting if we try to take her out of her dog house, or lift her up after shes started to fallen asleep.

what can we do to correct this.

she also does this when shes guarding her food

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Hi- just some more information ....????

How old is the pup?

How long have you had her?

Where does she spend most of her time?

Do you allow her on your lap?

Do you carry her around?

is she an only dog?

If she is old enough, how long/far is she walked each day?

What training have you done with her?

What do you do when she growls/bites?

What does her breeder say?

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spoiled puppy syndrome .... the swf's are great at this

I would recommend a trainer come and see the pup in the home and correct the problems as this can be quite serious. What area are you in we can recommend someone, or I do Geelong/Ballarat/Melbourne and surrounds

Meantime look up Nothing In Life Is Free and as for food guarding - start hand feeding only. Little bits, if she growls at you just 'ARGHHH NO' and walk away with the rest of it for half an hour ignoring her.

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As Nekhbet said, SPS!!!

Too much affection rewards and not enough discipline!

Very common in small white fluffies who have their humans wrapped around their little paw! :)

Good book to read is Caesar Millans - Be a Good Pack Leader!

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