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Im thinking of getting a lab boy or a german shepherd. Which in your experience is the higher energy breed?

I 'm assuming the GSD will shed more hair, is that right?

I do work, so the dog will be left alone from breakfast till lunch, and then till the evening two or three days a week. Which of these breeds would be most able to cope with that?


Edited by petertb
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These breeds are quite different in temperament, as they were bred for a different purpose.

What would you like to get out of the dog?

How much exercise are you prepared to give the dog?

How much training are you prepared to give the dog? Both are high energy and large dogs and will require training to make good canine citizens. Are you interested in any dog sports? Obedience, agility, flyball etc.

Both breeds shed - GSD have a longer coat which sheds twice a year, but Labs also shed a lot.

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Personally I believe there is nothing cuter and more loveable than a Labrador puppy - but I guess I am biased. :)

Labradors do shed and shed as much as GSDs and other larger breeds. Lab pups grow into their energy, if that makes sense, they are sleepy young pups and as they grown their energy and zest builds. I have just noticed this more in Labs than many other breeds.

A lab puppy will require something to keep it occupied while you are not home, otherwise it will become bored and this is where the breed develops the 'destructo' reputation. This includes treats such as kongs, a coke bottle with some biscuits in it ( the noise is as attracting as the biscuits)maybe a suitable sized bone when he/she is old enough and a couple of chew toys. Labradors need occupation, they essentially a breed that needs to work, either as a gundog, or obedience / agility or as your companion on walks, runs, swims, rides etc. If a Labrador is bored it will make its own entertainment and this could include the best azalea or digging its way to China or the clothes off the line.

He/she should also be well socialised by attending puppy preschool and then obedience training. I maintain that a Labrador's sole desire is to please you so if you show them what pleases you and reward it then that's what they will give you. They need boundaries,but also need love and the more you give a Labrador the more you get in return.

All that I have said is also true of every other breed of dog and certainly I would guess of the GSD. You will just have to go and visit some breeders, look at their pups and see which breed really pulls at your heart strings.

Good luck.

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depends what you want from the dog - guarding wise labs wont fit the bill but then I would be erring towards a working line shep more then a show line.

If you want nothing more then a companion, remember both of these dogs need training, mental stimulation, exercise and high socialisation to not be destructive, loud, fat and unhealthy. Shepherds can be screamers, howlers and barkers so watch the lines you get them from as well.

A dog will cope with anything if you give it enough of what it needs at other times. I've had a single dog when I worked 40+ hours a week and she coped fine alone, she had rotated treat toys, went for walks and training sessions when i was home so was happy to doze the day away.

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  • 2 months later...

I´m bias but German Shepherds are a wonderful breed but they do shed all year round, my girl drops hair everywhere she goes but she is incredibly smart and very well behaved and is a friend for life ;)

Training was quite easy, she picked things up very quickly but did like to test the boundaries. My partner has a Lab and his Lab is a very very active boy and he is 6 years old and still runs around like an 8 week old puppy but is also obedient when training hehe

Between my girl and my partners boy the Lab is definitely the active of the 2 but I am lucky as I have a very placid easy going Shepherd.

All I can say though is do as much research as possible on both breeds and maybe check out the German Shepherd Club and Labrador club and get a feel for the breeds :o

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The two breeds are not alike in temperament Peter.

Answering the questions Kavik asked will help people get a better idea of how a dog will fit into your home.

One more question from me. Do you want a dog most people will regard as amiable or one that people will react warily to. (I don't think either reaction is necessarily justified but these are how people respond to each breed)

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I run a boarding kennel and do find both the GSD and the Labrador are two of the more time consuming breeds to look after in the kennels.

Nothing against either breed and I have owned GSD's for 30 years and love them for their intelligence.

Both breeds shed..... a lot..... especially the labs. Every time I have a labrador in the kennel i find these huge hair bunnies blowing around the kennels every morning. Both breeds are also very active and require more than the average excercise every day. We have big paddocks for the dogs to run for most of the day and after a few days of charging around they tend to settle in to the routine and become easier to look after. I have many families who tell me they have trouble keeping up with these dogs, physically and mentally.

Either are great dogs provided you are prepared to put in the work and put up with any problems along the way.

Best of luck in your choice.....

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I have a Lab - and mate, they shed like there's no tomorrow! Even in Winter! and they can be crazy lunatics for a good while as they are growing up... *grin*

My girl is called Trouble - and she truly lived up to that name as a pup! She is now 3.5 years old and has definitely settled down some, but still loves nothing better than to play crazy zoomie games with any other dog she meets. She has high energy levels and loves stimulating games.

I've never owned a GSD.

Whichever breed you decide on, my advice would be to obedience train and socialise it well - and you should be rewarded with a lovely companion.


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