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Safe For Puppy To Go Out?


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Hi, :o

I'm a newbie here, can anyone please help me? I just got a French Bulldog yesterday and I'm wondering if anyone knows what is the youngest age that is safe for a puppy to go out for a walk to the park (including meeting other dogs). My puppy is now around 11 weeks old, and 4 years ago when I had my last dog, my vet said not to take your dog out until they'd had their thrid vaccination. Is this true, or, any advice?

Much appreciated!

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My vet told us not to take a puppy out until 2 weeks after the 3rd shot.

Our breeder told us that there is far more chance of having an under-socialised puppy than of catching parvo, start taking him out as soon as possible to safe places (ie, not the dog park) from the time he comes home and then get him out and about on walks after the 2nd shot.

The breeder I bought my crate from seconded this advice.

You can take the puppy to friends houses to meet their dogs pretty much straight away if you want to.

I wouldn't be taking it to the dog park or any other areas where lots of (possible un-vaccinated) dogs visit until after his final shot though.

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My puppies all go to puppy preschool at 12 weeks which is after their 2nd injection.

Pups don't have full immunity but it is OK as long as you aren't taking the pup to areas that are used by possibly un-immunised dogs.

So limited exposure at 12 weeks - full exposure after 16wk injection.

It is important to socialise your dog just don't overdo it!

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Thank you so much for your advice secretkei and sticth! thats very useful. Im just worried because 9 yrs ago I had a badexperience with my golden retriever catching a distemper (he hang around with adult dogs before vacc completed).

I might try going for a walk instead of park where many dogs hang around :)

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