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Bald Patches


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I've been giving peach monthly advocate so I have ruled out mites. I have noticed in some patches that the pores have a little bit of black and the skin is slightly scaly. She had a couple of pimples (on her belly and around her neck/chin) and some pimples where like blood blisters but I used some betadine and they have gone. The skin around her neck etc is slightly red. Should I use a medicated shampoo and if so which one?

Some advice would be great.

Thanks. :)


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9 months old, She has been on artemis medium puppy for about 2 -3 months now and gets chicken necks, wings etc. She was doing well the she had a good play with my friends border collie pup (about 4 weeks ago) then her skin got worse.

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stainless steel and they get washed all the time (and rinsed). She doesn't itch much, I only notice her scratching once or twice a day (that's only short scratches). Theres a bald patch also on here shoulder that's about 10 pc size, not yucky but just dry and bald.

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Its not black all over just in some of the bald patches and only in her pores. I haven't made a appointment yet, but will definitely give them a call if it doesn't sort out with the betadine over the weekend. around her Virgina gets a little black and greasy, but it could the black dirt from a spot in the backyard.

I have been thinking yeast infection, bacterial infection or the thyroid.

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Do you think that the black in the pores that you're seeing is like something that could be squeezed out ot you think it's pigmentation change?

Folicilitis in my boy you can see the black/brown in the pore and this works it's way out, it is effectively clogging the pore.

However we have also had what appears to be hyper pigmentation where you get spots and areas of Black.

It's not neccessary a sign a thyroid as my boy has been tested and cleared twice, it could be an onset of general allergic skin disease.

Bald patches could also be a staph infection.

Best to head to your vets.

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Hi glendabenda.

Don't rule out demodectic mange just because you are using Advocate.

From my experience it does not stop them getting it or get rid of these buggers of mites.

I hope you get it all sorted. :wave:

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You can get an anti fungal cream at the chemists.

One that treats the likes of ringworm - and it will also work well on dogs.

My Dobe got a bald patch several months ago in the really humid weather and it went away in about 3 weeks of treatment.

In your case it may not be the problem but it worked for me and was much cheaper then going to the vet and getting the same cream from him.

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I think we shouldbe encouraging Vet treatment yeah?

I've got some antibacterial antiseptic wound protection for dogs that I will be trying over the next couple of days. Plus a couple of visits to the beach for a swim, the salt water does wonders for her skin, but she hasn't been for a while. If this doesn't work will definitely go to the vets on Monday.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Hi glendabenda.

Don't rule out demodectic mange just because you are using Advocate.

From my experience it does not stop them getting it or get rid of these buggers of mites.

I hope you get it all sorted. :rofl:

Just thought I would update you all.

Took Peaches to the vet last week and even though I'm using advocate she still has mange and the start of a skin infection. She will be on antibiotics for 3 weeks and also something else (forgotten the name) for the mange.

Thanks all again for the advice, much appreciated. ;)

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