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Peeing In The House?


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We have adopted a 7 year old diabetic kelpie.

She drinks exessive amounts of water and is always peeing which is fine during the day as we leave the doors open for her to go in and out!

Nightime becomes a problem, we are usually up late and she get's let out for the last time at about midnightish! And we are up at 8 letting her out again.

During that time she needs to go sometimes and has taken to peeing on the floor, three time's she has peed in her own bed and just in front it! A doggy door is out of the question because I have a 2 year old who would be able to climb through it etc.

Does anyone know how to get the smell out of carpet and also anyway we can train her to bark when she needs to go out or tell us somehow, hold it? I dont know any suggestions would be much appreciated!!


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is her bladder control good otherwise?

Consider heading to the vet or petstore and buy a bottle of PissOff for the carpet.

I'd put paper or plastic down for her incase she pees, not really sure what else to say

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I don't think crate training would be fair on a dog with such a problem. She will pee excessively, and probably cannot hold it for long :thumbsup:

All I can suggest is you leave her somewhere easy to clean ....

If her diabetes is more controlled, wouldn't that help the peeing??

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I would say so, I have asked the vet and they just say "it is her diabeties"

Thank you for your post :thumbsup:

is her bladder control good otherwise?

Consider heading to the vet or petstore and buy a bottle of PissOff for the carpet.

I'd put paper or plastic down for her incase she pees, not really sure what else to say

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I had a dog with epilepsy, once he went on the medication he drank an awful lot and needed to go out in the night. He stopped sleeping in my room and stayed near the water bowl and the back door.

He went to a new home where he could get in and out a dog door as he needed to, slept in their internal laundry so if there was an accident, it was on tiles.

It's upsetting for the dog, if they are housetrained, to be having accidents, they know it isn't right but just can't help it under certain circumstances such as health issues.

Re the carpet smells, there are things you can do without spending a fortune on commercial items. I have fostered over 50 dogs and housetrained most of them. You need something with enzymes in to remove the smell.

For tiles I use either white vinegar and water, or bicarb of soda and water. For carpet, I use a mixture of Napisan and water, pour/pat it in generously on and around the stain. THen I get an old towel and soak it up.

You can buy puppy pads and put them near the door (I'm just guessing this is where she'd be going). Best of luck, it's always more difficult to cope with some medical conditions and their side effects.

Edited by dogmad
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Being blind she like's to know were I am, which is why I have her bed down on the floor next to mine.

Is crate training when you train them to sleep in a crate overnight? :laugh: I have never done that with any of my foster's or my own, but something I'd like to try in future. But I don't think it would be a good idea for Maddy.

Thanks for the idea though :D

All the house is carpet except the bathroom which is tiny and the kitchen, I let her sleep in there when we first got her and it was filled with pee in the morning and it was going under the kitchen benches etc...

I let her sleep in the enclosed verandah last night (I have had to scrub it this morning) But it is so cold out there.

She only really does one or two pee's but they are HUGE!

What about crate training or restricting her to an area that doesn't matter too much if she pees on it?
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can you make her a really cosy sheltered area outside? I am loathe to say put a dog outside, but I have whippets and they're alot more sensitive to cold. If you could coat her and have a warm draught free area with lots of blankets for her to snuggle in and under, at least then she could toddle off and wee to her hearts content outside.

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Hi Dogmad,


I will try the napisan on the floor, the smell is starting to get to me ha! Yes you are right she goes right in front of the front door, thankfully we use the back and visitors don't have to walk through the wet mess!

She also goes occasionaly on her own bed and the floor infront of it :laugh: She know's to go out and when we are awake rush's to the door and pushes the screen door before we even get a chance to open it! It is sad to see her 'upset' when she does it!

Were can I buy puppy pads from??

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Hi Kirislin.

That is probably the best option, but I just don't have the heart to make her sleep outside! I am a big softy and cannot imagine any of my animals sleep outside! Especially with this cold! ( when my lambs were two days old and very weak they even slept inside for a week :laugh: )

She didn't seem whiney last night on the veranda (my bedroom door opens on to there and I didn’t hear her)

Thinking thinking.............

can you make her a really cosy sheltered area outside? I am loathe to say put a dog outside, but I have whippets and they're alot more sensitive to cold. If you could coat her and have a warm draught free area with lots of blankets for her to snuggle in and under, at least then she could toddle off and wee to her hearts content outside.
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What treatment regime is she on for her diabetes? Maybe her insulin needs changing or something?

Sorry- but I thought that if the diease was controlled, all that extra drinking/peeing would stop - or am I dreaming? :laugh:

perhaps at night, she could wear a 'nappy'?

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She is on 4 units of caninsulin twice daily at the moment. So far her diabetes are not under control, as far as I am aware once it is under control the excess drinking etc should lesson.

Are there doggy nappies???

What treatment regime is she on for her diabetes? Maybe her insulin needs changing or something?

Sorry- but I thought that if the diease was controlled, all that extra drinking/peeing would stop - or am I dreaming? :laugh:

perhaps at night, she could wear a 'nappy'?

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It's easy. Get a doggy door. I know you said you have a child that could aces the door but just purchase one that is lockable. You could lock it during the day and open it at night.

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It's easy. Get a doggy door. I know you said you have a child that could aces the door but just purchase one that is lockable. You could lock it during the day and open it at night.

Agree :laugh: :D

Quick simple solution that will suit the dog and your family :rofl:

Once the diabetes is under control, your dog shouldn't be drinking and peeing as much anyway.

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It's easy. Get a doggy door. I know you said you have a child that could access the door but just purchase one that is lockable. You could lock it during the day and open it at night.

Perfect solution.

Many doggy doors are lockable. You could even have your dog sleeping in an area accessable to the doggy door and a baby gate blocking access to the rest of the house. Making your child unable to even get near the doggy door whne it is unlocked at night.

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Oh! Just thought of those dog doors operated by a magnet? on the dog's collar !!!

This means ONLY the dog with the special collar can open the door :champagne: NO kids, NO cats...

Being blind, she will, of course need to have things shown her at length... and she will need to know that nothing will change in her regular paths to & fro.

She should be able to manage it fine tho, after some lessons :champagne:

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A doggy door is tempting, but I also have two indoor cat's, and my daughter is a climber :champagne:

Still something to keep considering :champagne:

Persephone do you have any website links to the magnet doggy doors??

Puggy Puggy I am not sure what you mean by scent training??? we are growing lavender to plant for her.....

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