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Femoral Head Ostectomy After Operation


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Excellent news, Sparky25. She looks quite happy with herself too :laugh:. Hope it continues to all go well.

Can see her fur is making a come-back after her shave as well. Before you know it, there will be absolutely no sign of the op at all :).

Pity the weather is so cold at the moment, otherwise she might have enjoyed chest height walking down at the beach more than she did the under-water tread mill.

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One of my toy poodles had her femoral head removed when she was 7 months old, due to legg perthes disease. It took about 6-12 months of physio and rehab before she would use her leg or put it on the ground. Even still to this day, 7 years on, she will left her leg off the ground very slightly on the rare occasion when she is running around. The vet assures me that it is impossible for her to have any pain, as there is essentially nothing there to cause pain. My vets thoughts were that perhaps there is a mental aspect to it, ie the dog has had pain for a while and has learnt that putting the leg down will hurt so it takes a while to recondition the brain to know that putting weight on the leg will not hurt.

Not sure if maybe it would take longer for a bigger dog to recover from this surgery :) i know my vet said that they only do this surgery on small breed dogs, and tend to reccomend hip replacments on larger breeds.

Glad to hear that Keely is recovering well. :laugh:

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