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Barf/blackmore Multivitamin/fish Oil & Stairs For Dobiepuppy


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BARF_Vitamin Supplement

Hi, I am getting a dobie in June, it will be 8 weeks by then. Just wondering with the BARF diet, is it still recommended to give him/her vitamin supplement?

Blackmores Multivitamin Slow Release (one pill a week), and Fish oil Omega 3 (3-4 pills a week).

I don't know whether that will give too much calcium and other vitamin in the dog, which will be bad for the hip and skeleton development.


Also, we have stairs in the house, carpeted, and closed, i.e., no gaps between stairs, would the climbing up and down be bad for the pup's hips, and if so until when should we get it to go up and down the stairs?

Any suggest most appreciated.

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We raised our Dobe boy on Vets All Natural grain/vege mix with minced chicken frames, necks, whole chicken frames, sardines, yoghurt, etc. and he had no problems whatsoever - no added vitamins or supplements.

You should however take the advice of the breeder (as long as you think it is reliable).

Our boy is now nearly 3 years old and I have switched him onto a prey diet which means that I have stopped the Vets All Natural grain mix as he was showing signs of allergies and I know grain can be a problem.

Other than that he is now 45kg and doing fine. Calcium uptake has never been a problem.

I should think a BARF diet would be equally as good.

We don't have many stairs around here but I would keep them to a minimum while you can.

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speak to your breeder FIRST before about what you plan to feed, they know their dogs.

frankly a large breed puppy for a first timer would be better on a food like Royal Canin, Eagle Pack and add raw meaty bones.

edited spelling ;p

Edited by Nekhbet
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If your puppy/dog is getting a good diet then you don't need to be wasting money on multivitamins.

Were you going to feed pre packaged BARF patties or your own homemade BARF?

I will prepare my own... should be fun... probably (more likely to be definitely) spending more time looking after my pup than myself :thumbsup:

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