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I Know It's A Gimmick


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Try this first, you have nothing to loose, get a lump of wood and wrap some very coarse sand paper around it, even tack it on if you want and then try filing the dogs nails with it. I saw George Schofield use it once and it was great. I dont have trouble trimming my dogs nails fortunately but if I did, I'd try this way first.

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If your dog hates getting it's nails cut it wont matter if you use nail clippers or a dremmel type machine they will still hate it.

Not necessarily so, mine hate nailclippers but don't mind the nail grinder at all.

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Daegon hates the clippers ever since the vet made him bleed. Daegon looked at him with absolute horror...poor boy tried to hide in the corner after that :thumbsup:

I find his nails are generally really good though, they wear down well...Kovu's on the other hand :thumbsup:

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Go the Dremel/ Ozito.

They're just different brands. I've got a cordless Dremel as it was on sale.

The only "mess" you get is a fine dust- very minor.

Can use it to sharpen tools with different attachments.

Be sure to get the right sanding paper- too rough and it leaves a really messy finish and the stone-type are for sharpening tools. They get too hot quickly to use on the dog.

Doberdawn site mentioned b4 gives you ALL the info: http://homepages.udayton.edu/~merensjp/dob...mel/dremel.html

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My OH bought me a Dremel a couple of months ago. It is not a dog one, but a $140ish dollar wizz bang heavy duty one. Probably over kill, but that's the OH for you. Gotta get the biggest and best, :( The only negative with this one is that it is a bit big in my hand, but I am used to it now.

Anyway, best new doggie thing we've bought in ages.

Only 1 out of the 4 dogs hates it. She shakes like a leaf, but tolerates it. The others are fantastic. We didn't get it coz the dogs are not good at having their nails clipped. They are all very well behaved. More because they all have black nails, and although I have always been a confident and regular nail trimmer, I still feel that sometimes I want to take more off than I do because I hate making them bleed. But over time, (partuicularly for the dogs that don;t work their own nails down) if you don't make them bleed, the quick just keeps growing a bit longer, slowly but surely.

So, now I can dremel off more, and even if I only just get to the blood vessel, you can see it just start to bleed before the dog shows pain, and the dremel cortorises it. Fantastic. Nails are all getting a bit shorter each time as the vessel is shortening, and I am much happier that I am doign a more thorough job.

wish we had bought one years ago. :thumbsup:

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Hi Kia,

I started a thread on this thing some time ago and everyone told me not to waste my money and to get a dremel instead! Its really a bit of toy and doesn't do the job well apparently.

And I doubt those opinions have changed - must admit compared to a dremel it looks pretty expensive...

Hope that helps


Westiemum :)

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