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Has Anyone Dealt With Pancreatitis Lately?


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Sola has been hit with a case of pancreatitis.

We have been through a plethora of scares over the years. This is a new one for us. I have heard from a number of sources that the usual suspect is a high fat diet or large feeding of high fat foods - especially human food.

Yet we feed California Natural, and healthy treat bars. The dogs don't eat any junk, or table scraps. I'm wondering if anyone has had a similar experience, and if so, did you make any dietary changes that helped in the long term? We're hoping to spare her another bout of this.

Thanks in advance...


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My little Lizzy has had numerous attacks of pancreatitas. (she will be 3 in July) I'm still trying to get her under control, so i'm not much of one for advise at the moment. Although she is on Royal Canin L/F Digestive tin food and bikkies to help control it. Honestly to start of with when it first hit her i could say yes there were foods that could have caused her attacks, but now that she is on low fat food i don't know what is causing her last attacks. (she is also on enzyplex which gets mixed up in her food) The vet said it could be stress related too.

I hope it was just a once off and it doesn't happen again to your baby!

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My rescue greyhound, who is now nearly 10 years old, had an attack about a year ago, her diet had not changed, I believe it was from stress, as my husband who she adored was terminally ill in hospital.

My vet put her on Hills science diet I/D food, but recently I have changed her to Royal Canin L/F Digestive cans and dry food.

I also give her some veggies every now and then, and some cooked rice just to give her a bit of a change.

She has had no further attacks, but had a dental a few months ago, and had bloods done before the surgery, and her amylase levels were a bit higher than they should have been.

I am just very careful that she gets nothing but her special diet, and low fat biscuits and lamb crispy bits (as treats).

Good luck with your dog,


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My rescue greyhound, who is now nearly 10 years old, had an attack about a year ago, her diet had not changed, I believe it was from stress, as my husband who she adored was terminally ill in hospital.

My vet put her on Hills science diet I/D food, but recently I have changed her to Royal Canin L/F Digestive cans and dry food.

I also give her some veggies every now and then, and some cooked rice just to give her a bit of a change.

She has had no further attacks, but had a dental a few months ago, and had bloods done before the surgery, and her amylase levels were a bit higher than they should have been.

I am just very careful that she gets nothing but her special diet, and low fat biscuits and lamb crispy bits (as treats).

Good luck with your dog,


Thanks Trish - we have a Greyhound as well, so this is of particular interest.

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Sorry to hear about that, its awful to go through.

My boy is a 14yrs old whippet/heeler and did suffer a few smaller bouts then a big one. I changed his diet to roo meat (cooked, hes spoilt) and rabbit, alternative days. The only biscuits he gets is the Royal Canin sensitive. I found that this stopped the attempted throwing up too. I did slip up though one day and gave him (and the other 2) a marrow bone one day, within a few hrs he was throwing up and was miserable. Now he only gets roo tails.

I am very strict on what I give him as a treat and make sure that he never gets a high fat (even small bit) and almost kill the family when they try. It might cost a bit to feed him this but he is happy and that is all that matters.

Hope things get better for you soon.

Edited by Munchin
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Yes my Chinese Crested bitch ( aged 10) was diagnosed with Pancreatiotis three weeks ago, black tarry stools and tummy rumbles with the gradual turning her nose up at food over a few weeks( she is a fussy eater)

She has a good diet and although a fussy eater its low in fat, the vet did an array of bloods that confirmed an attack of pancreatitis and this was seconded by another vet at different surgery.

We did not fast her as the Vet said this is not recc these days and kept her on four to five small meals per day and low fat, she was on antibiotics for 10 days just in case and a course of probiotic yoghurt. The vet also said stress ios a major cause but my dog is so unstressed it cant be that!!

Both vets said as long as she is on low fat diet she should not get another bout, so far so good at nearly four weeks.

I believe some breeds are more prone than others there is a good site called


for all fat contents etc.

Have a look at the Yahoo chat sites there are heaps fordogs and Pt



Good Luck


Sola has been hit with a case of pancreatitis.

We have been through a plethora of scares over the years. This is a new one for us. I have heard from a number of sources that the usual suspect is a high fat diet or large feeding of high fat foods - especially human food.

Yet we feed California Natural, and healthy treat bars. The dogs don't eat any junk, or table scraps. I'm wondering if anyone has had a similar experience, and if so, did you make any dietary changes that helped in the long term? We're hoping to spare her another bout of this.

Thanks in advance...


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Sola has been hit with a case of pancreatitis.

We have been through a plethora of scares over the years. This is a new one for us. I have heard from a number of sources that the usual suspect is a high fat diet or large feeding of high fat foods - especially human food.

Yet we feed California Natural, and healthy treat bars. The dogs don't eat any junk, or table scraps. I'm wondering if anyone has had a similar experience, and if so, did you make any dietary changes that helped in the long term? We're hoping to spare her another bout of this.

Thanks in advance...


My 13 year old mini schnauzer had a severe pancreatitis attack around Nov last year. He's been on a Barf diet for several years. The only thing both the vet and I could conclude was the raw chicken may have had too much fat/skin. He was hospitalised on a drip for 1-1/2 days (all up 2 nights/3days in hospital). He was a very sick old boy, but I'm very pleased to say he bounced back very quickly as soon as vet treatment started.

Over the next couple of weeks he went from cooked chicken and rice (bland) back to his barf diet (including the raw chicken carcass less all excess fat). He hasn't looked back since and continues to walk every day and play with my younger mini in a very active way. I now feed a small amount of Advance Sensitve dry food along with the barf. I should also say that he gets herbal treatments (Robert McDowell) to supplement his diet. He will be 14 in Sept and is currently going great.

Good luck and I trust your little friend won't experience another attack. Cheers, :)

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  • 1 month later...

My sympathy to the others who's dogs have had pancreatitis. My 6 year old Labrador came down with it last week for the first time and was in hospital on a drip for three days. She's quite a bit better now and back at home resting. I have to separate her from my other Labrador for some of the time to make resting possible. It’s early days and I'm still trying to work out what to feed her. The vet has put her on Hills ID Prescription diet. I got some cans and dry version but she is a bit reticent to eat it. I've even had to feed the other dog with her at times because somehow the competition gets her eating (they have their own bowls though).

I cooked up some chicken breast and blended that in with some of the dried food soaked but she wasn't very keen on that either. I might have to settle for cooked chicken breast chopped up and rice. I was wondering if some pumpkin or any other veggies might be ok. Before this she was the typical Labrador that would eat anything and everything if she could. She's also still on anti-biotics for the next 10 days and will be having more blood tests then.

Edited by WhiteEagle
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My greyhound, who suffers from pancreatitus, prefers Royal Canin L/F Digestive canned and dry food to the Hills I/D food, you have to get it through your Vet, so maybe you could try that and see if she finds it more palatable.

good luck,


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